Chapter 5

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Annabeth's POV

While Percy was gone, things at camp continued on normally. I kept busy to avoid spending too long thinking about him. I was just glad that I knew where he was this time and he was relatively safe. As safe as that seaweed brain could be. As I was trying to figure out some complex equations my cellphone rang. Leo had made some demigod safe phones, iPods, and some other stuff for his friends. When I answered the call I the voice shocked me. Not in a bad way. More of I'd never expect you to call kind of surprise. It was a person I met on one of my missions to find Percy. He figured out we were different pretty quickly and we figured we could trust him cause he got us out of a bind with some werewolves in the area. He seemed to be well versed in the area of abnormal circumstances.
"Hey Annabeth I have a few questions for you" she heard through the receiver of the phone.

Scott's POV

Stiles and I tried to find Percy after school but he seemed to have left school right after the bell rang. After looking for a while for him we decided to call it quits it wasn't that important Stiles just had a "funny" feeling. We ended up back at my place. We went upstairs to my room to discuss the recent events in Beacon Hills.
" So what do you think about our friend Percy" I ask stiles because I know he will have some sort of crazy ass theory
"I don't know" he says casually
" what do you mean 'I don't know' you always have some sort of theory that you advertise no matter how crazy it sounds" I almost yell back.
And he just shrugs at me. This is insanity. Stiles never doesn't have some cockamamie theory.
"Well at least Deaton has a theory. It's start at least." I say defeatedly.
"What if we just kidnapped him and questioned him?" Stiles said so quietly I almost didn't here him.
"Brilliant stiles I'll set it up I knew you could come up with something" I said excitedly.

Percy's POV

That night I went for a run to let off some steam and think. When all of a sudden something hit me hard. It almost knocked me out. I managed to roll over and see the face of a man. I decided to let him take me. I had already recovered from the initial blow so I allowed him to pick me up and throw me in the trunk. Then all of a sudden I felt a hand hold my face to the side and a needle slide into my neck then all of a sudden I couldn't move I was paralyzed.
~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~
The next day
Scott's POV

The next day Percy didn't come to school. Which was weird seeing ad he didn't seem sick at all the previous day. I grew really concerned when he didn't show up the following day. I went over to his house to see his mother and see if he was actually sick. She told me he should be back in a few days and he often left for short periods of time. When I tried to get more answers she told me she had to get work. Something seemed off about it though well besides the fact that she seemed totally fine with her sun up and leaving and not telling her when he would be back. She seemed really nervous and her heart betrayed her. He could tell she was lying about something but he didn't know what.

Percy's POV

I slowly woke up. When I fully recovered from my "nap" I was chained to a fence of some sort in a dark basement. It was dark and a little creepy down there. I waited there for what felt like forever but was probably only a couple of hours. When I all of a sudden heard a noise I tried to reach for riptide but the way I was tied to this fence. I couldn't get to my pocket to grab riptide. Then light streamed into the room I was in. I was trapped in a subway car. What the hell. A subway car. Who the hell has a subway car just lying around. Anyways a man walked over to me.
"Who the hell are you and why am I chained up" I question making it clear I was beyond angry.

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