Chapter 8

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Percy's POV

I was in pain. A lot of pain. I mean like not as much as when I was in ... Tartarus *mental shiver* but still a lot of pain.
He just kept asking me what I was. I am determined not to tell him. I have no idea who this guy is. He is an older man with whiteish hair but is surprisingly spry for his age. When he cut me with the silver knife and I didn't seem to be in that much pain he mumbled something about not being a werewolf to himself. He seemed to be methodically going through his book and crossing off things I'm not. He would come a try a few different tools of torture on me and then leave for hours and comeback later and do it all again. He always brought me water and said I can't have you dying of thirst on me now can I he didn't seem to realize that the water gave me strength but that was because I didn't allow it to heal me because that could give away my demigod status. It was getting harder and harder to keep the water from healing me. I heard footsteps and realized he was coming back.

This time he just began the torture giving up on asking me what I was. This session seemed shorter like he was running out of things he thought I was. He gave me a drink of water and this time forgot to take the half filled glass back with him. He had no reason to suspect that I had any power over water so it slipped his mind. I waited an hour or two to make sure he wasn't coming back for a while. Then I used a little bit of strength to lift the water over to my shackles and had it freeze int the shape of the key and unlock me. I fell to the ground unceremoniously.

Then I let the water fall on me to give me strength but there wasn't enough to heal me. I slowly hauled myself off the floor and took Riptide of the table. He left the knives and Riptide on the table because they were to far away for me to reached he left them there for me to stare at and remind myself I couldn't escape. I uncapped Riptide into my trusty sword and made my way down the hallway. Oddly there was no one there. As suspicious as I was I was glad I wouldn't have to fight anyone. I made my way out of the building. I knew where I could could go the vets clinic Scott had mentioned talking to Deaton about me and I found out where Deaton works. I didn't want to trust him but the vet was closer than my house and I didn't have much strength to go far and I my energy was fading fast. Using my sword as a crutch I made the mile and a half trek to the vet.
It took me forever to get there but when I did I managed to get through the door and that's it. I collapsed on the ground and blacked out.

Annabeth's POV

I was explaining to Scott and Stiles the gods and demigods. I had told them some of Percy's adventures but left out the part about is dating because I didn't trust them all the way and they could use that against him or me and with Percy's loyalty problem I didn't want to risk it. I heard the front door jingle. I fell silent instantly and motioned for the others to be silent. I took out dagger and slowly made my way to the front door with Scott following me I wanted to tell him to stay back because I don't want to be responsible if a mortal dies. But I couldn't because he wouldn't listen and I couldn't argue with him silently. When we got to the front desk I didn't see anything but I moved in front of the desk and saw who was lying on the ground.

Scott's POV

Annabeth was telling us about Percy when I heard the bell on the front door jingle and so did she. She stopped talking and motioned everyone to be quiet. When she pulled out her dagger and started to go toward the front desk I followed. She tried to make me stay but I wouldn't. I knew she could fight but I didn't know who or how many were out there so I went with her. What I didn't expect to see was Percy lying face down on the floor covered in cuts and bruises. She ran over to him and tried to wake him up. I picked him up and carried him have to the room I laid him down on the metal table
"Deaton meet Percy" I say "now he needs our help"
I expected Deaton to start giving orders but all of a sudden Annabeth was giving them. She had fiendishly dug through her bag.
"Damn I left it in my car and it too late to run and get it."
"What's it?" I ask.
"Ambrosia and nectar the food of the gods it has healing powers for demigods" she said "Okay we are gonna have to do this the hard way I need you to hold him down."
While we were doing that she ran over to the sink to get some ... water what the hell was that going to accomplish.

She ran back over with a bucket of water.
"Now when I do this he is going to go into attack mode most likely so you need to hold him down" she said.
When she splashed the water on him at first it just healed his wounds but the like he had been electrocuted his eyes snapped open and he tried to get up but I held him down. Well I held him for like 30 seconds before he over powered me and was attacking me with his fists. He was in a trance it seemed like and he was winning.

"PERCY," Annabeth shouted, "ENOUGH!"

And like magic he stopped. The glaze over his eyes vanished and while still in fighting stance he took in his surroundings. When he realized I was on the ground he helped me up.
"Sorry man," he said, "you know I didn't mean it right?"
"Yeah, just remind me to not be your enemy" I said.
He laughed at that when he turned around he stopped laughing. He ran to Annabeth and kissed her.
20 extremely awkward seconds later Stiles clears his throat and says
"Well I guess you do know a Percy Jackson."
"Uh yeah you could say that"she says.
The all of a sudden she turns on him with her dagger out.
"Why they hell haven't you IM'd me or anyone back at camp and how dare you crash in here and almost die on me Percy Jackson." She exclaims.
"Heh heh sorry about the IM ing thing I was investigating something and was gonna fill you in later. And um about the almost dying thing it wasn't my fault" he says back nervously.
"Fine" she says and lowered her knife.
"Hey do you guys know any old guys that are kinda suspicious here in town" he asks.
Stiles and I look at one another and in unison say "Yes, yes we do."

Hey guys author here I hope you guys have enjoyed my 4 chapter update. I just wanted to say sorry for not updating I hope this makes up for it I kinda had major writers block and I had like a massive bit of inspiration I was gonna make this one large chapter but it was easier to break it up. Thank you all so much for reading and commenting and voting for this story. It means a lot to me that you guys like this story. So anyways until next time I bid you ado.

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