Chapter 7

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Scott's POV
When Stiles rushed the door screaming I thought that that would be the highlight of my day. I mean he's has done dumb things in the past but I mean this takes the cake. I soon followed realizing he probably needs help. When I entered the room and saw Stiles flipped, disarmed and held down in a matter of seconds. At first I stood there in shock but then I just burst out laughing because he had been taken down by a girl who wasn't very big and she was blonde. I couldn't stop laughing the only thing funnier was the look on his face when he realized it was a girl who took him down he tried to get up but to no avail. Then all of a sudden she jumped up and took me down and was threatening to break by arm. That's when I stopped laughing and was in shock. I, a werewolf, was taken down by a girl who was only 5'3
or 5'4.

"Okay, Annabeth, I think they've had enough now can you please release Scott there." Deaton asks he hasn't even moved from his stool. He doesn't even look surprised that she just flipped a werewolf. She waited a second like she was thinking about it.

"Okay, whatever you say Deacon" she says and returns to sit back on her stool and returns to her cup of coffee.

"So first of all who the hell are you" Stiles asked.
"This is Annabeth Chase I met her a year or two ago she has some knowledge about what might be going on here.
"Which reminds me why did you call me here Deaton" she asked
"Do you know a guy named Percy Jackson" I blurted out
She slowly turned to face me. When her eyes locked on to mine it felt as though she was staring directly at my soul
"Yeah I guess you could say that. But the question is how do you know him?" she says suspiciously.
"He's a friend from school. And yet he's different I don't know how yet but I'll find out unless you could tell me what he is" I say cryptically.
She looks back at Deaton then back to me.
"How do I know I can trust you. I've never met you before yet you claim to know Percy. But as far as I know he isn't hurt but I haven't heard from him in a few days so how do I know you haven't killed him" she says

"I haven't hurt him I just told you I was a friend of his" I say. I just noticed that she has stood up and that we were circling like two foes about to fight. She stands still and crosses her arms across her chest and just stares me dead in the eye for a few seconds. She pulls out a short dagger and plays with it.

"Fine I'll trust you but only because you speak of Percy as a friend but your hiding something. I will find out what it is exactly and you had better hope it isn't about Percy being hurt or dead. Or you will find out what your insides really look like. Now is there anything else you would like to tell me about?" She says.
I think for a few second before I reply.
"He may or may not have been kidnapped but we don't really know that for sure yet cause we talked to his mom and she said he does this kind of running off thing often so we don't know if he went some where or was taken" I say as I'm almost shaking in my boots. She puts the knife away and pinches the bridge of her nose.

"Oh Percy how many times are they gonna take you before they are done having their fun" she says in a whisper to herself. It's barely audible but I can hear her clearly with my werewolf powers.

"Oh so this kind of thing has happened before hasn't it." I ask
"You have no idea" she said exhaustedly
"Quick question who is the they you are referring to" I ask delicately
"The gods" she says as she sits back down
"Um I'm sorry what... Gods? Because I far as I know there are no gods around here. And you never explained what Percy is. " I say
" The Greek gods. Your right about them not being here but they are alive and well I hate to say sometimes" she says and the I hear thunder rumbling. That's odd I could have sworn it was clear skies today.
"Well I guess I'll just have to explain it to you" she say and takes a big breath.
"How much do you know about the Greek gods"

Threat Assessment (Percy Jackson/Teen Wolf) ON HIATUSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang