Chapter 3

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Percy's POV

There was definitely something different about Scott. I could feel it but I didn't know what. If he had been a Greek or Roman monster I would have been able to see his true form, but that doesn't rule out monsters from other pantheons or just bad humans. I needed to find out what he was and soon before he figured me out. I didn't want to spy on him but I had no other options.

Scott's POV 
I got to work just as my shift began. I was rewrapping a dog cast when I saw Deaton. 
"Hey Deaton" I called out.

"Hello Scott" he half replied deep in thought.

"Whats wrong you look concerned" I asked.

"Nothing... Has anyone new showed up in town recently?"

"Uh... Yeah actually a uh . . .new guy got into town today" I said "actually I had been meaning to tell you, he seemed odd."

"How?" He asked.

"I don't know just odd, he had an odd scent and when we saw the Kanima today it hissed at him, not me, but how would it know him he just got here."

"How odd." He said.

"Why do you ask?"

"Something feels off in town lately." He said in a half whisper and went off to his office. 
After I finished my shift I went home only to find Stiles laying in my bed asleep. I pushed him unceremoniously off the bed and onto the floor. He scrambled from the floor into a half asleep attack position. 
"It's me you idiot." I replied exasperatedly.

"Oh Scott didn't hear you come in."

"Yeah that's cause you were asleep...why are you here.?" I ask.

"Oh yes um to discuss your new friend Percy. He seems a bit odd don't you think." He says suspiciously.

"Yeah I talked to Deaton today about it. He said something felt off today."

"Maybe it has something to do with Percy... MAYBE HE'S LIKE YOU!!!!" He said excitedly.

"I don't think so I would have sensed it I think." I say shaking my head.

"Ugh way to burst my bubble man" he says.
Soon after he leaves. I lay awake wondering what's up with Percy.
As I was falling asleep I herd something hit the ground lightly I looked out my window but there was nothing there. I figured I would wait till tomorrow to see if there was anyone there.

Percy's POV

I listened to Scott and Stiles conversation that night as I sat on the roof above his window. They really made it too easy they talk so loud. I learned I needed to watch my back and figure out what Scott was and fast. After what Stiles said I have to watch my back around him, he could be pretty smart. I need to watch what I say around him or I could give myself away. After making sure Scott was asleep I jumped off the roof and hit the ground with a light thud, and made my way home.


I decided not to contact anyone from camp last night after I over heard Scott and Stiles's conversation. I didn't want to worry anybody back at camp. The next day at school I ate lunch with some of Scott's friends. When i got my lunch from my locker and headed down to the cafeteria I felt someone watching me. I reached down toward my pocket for Riptide. I took Riptide still in pen form and turned around to see who was behind me. When I turned around I didn't see anyone. Maybe I'm being paranoid but you can never be too cautious as a demigod. After the little incident in the hallway I quickly made my at down to the lunch room. When I got there Scott waved me over to where he was sitting.

Scott's POV

I decided I'd follow Percy to his locker before lunch to see if I could find anything out about him. After he grabbed his lunch from his locker he walked down the hallway and suddenly he stopped. It was like he knew I was there. He reached into his pocket. and pulled out a . . . pen? What the hell was a pen going to do against anybody even a mere human. He turned around but at that point I was already soundlessly in the staircase on the opposite side of the hallway as him. I used my werewolf speed to get to the cafeteria before him so he wouldn't suspect me. When he got to the lunch room I waved him over to come sit with Stiles, Allison, Lydia and I. While he made his way over to the table I told them that I had a strange encounter so to speak with Percy and that I'd fill them in later. When he sat down I introduced him to everybody. When I told him Allison was my girlfriend he looked almost sad. That made me angry, was he into her? After a few minutes of Percy sitting quietly while the rest of talked about trivial things he excused himself to go call someone but instead of taking just his phone he took his whole backpack. After he got up and left Stiles and I got up to go follow him. We tried to follow him after he left the cafeteria but he just seemed to vanish.

Percy's POV

When I left the cafeteria I quickly made my way toward the woods in case anyone tried to follow me. Unfortunately for me it was raining so there was no sunlight for me to use to IM Annabeth. So I just stayed out in the wood till the end of the period. it was odd not being on the Argo II with the seven. it felt wrong. I missed Annabeth so much but I wasn't able to call her yet because of all the stuff with Scott and the lizard thing and homework. When Scott said Allison was his girlfriend it just reminded me of Annabeth, after that I was lost in memories about her and camp. It made me homesick.


A few minutes later it was time for me to head back to class. I stopped by my locker to grab some books. While I was there some of the lacrosse jocks decide it was lets pick on Percy day. Not a great move. Their "leader" Jackson walked up to be and decided to push me up against to the locker next to me. Now while most would look terrified, I just stared at him with a blank look across my face.

"Hey it's the new kid Percy. What's up man" He said sarcastically.

"Put me down" I said in straight voice staring at him. I was to bored for this, but if he didn't leave soon the lacrosse team may need a new captain.

"Nah I think I'm good holding you right here" he said as his friends laughed behind him. By now a small crowd had formed to watch the lacrosse captain beat up he new kid. Well sorry to disappoint them but that was not gonna happen.

"Put me down now or you will regret it" I say in my commanding voice.

"Fine" Jackson drops me expecting me to crumple to the ground. Instead I land in a perfect crouch. I stand up and am walking away when one of his friends tries to punch me. Bad move. I grab his arm mid swing and swiftly break his wrist. He crumples to the ground in pain. Next Jackson himself takes a swing at me. I grab his wrist and flip him with ease. I'm not even trying right now. I hold his arm up as he lays on his stomach threatening to break it. I kneel down and whisper in his ear, "Next time I break your arm and more." 
Then I release him and walk away. The crowd of people are silenced.

Scott's POV

I was walking to my locker when I notice a group of people in a crowd. I shove my way to the front to see Jackson holding Percy up in the air against a locker. I'm about to run in and help Percy when he says
"Put me down now or you will regret it," In the most commanding voice I've ever heard I wanted to put down all of my things right there. When Percy was walking away one of Jackson's friends took a swing at him. I thought Percy would be hit hard but instead he catches his arm mid swing and in one move breaks his wrist. The guy stumbles away in pain. Then Jackson takes a swing at Percy and he flips Jackson so fast I almost didn't believe how fast he moved. Jackson was on his stomach, his arm being held in the air by Percy, being threatened to be broken, When Percy kneels down and whispers something in Jackson's ear then leaves. Everyone is stunned into silence. All I'm thinking is I need to figure out who Percy really is and fast because he could be very dangerous to us or he could be a great ally to us in fighting the Kanima.

Threat Assessment (Percy Jackson/Teen Wolf) ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now