Chapter 4

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Percy's POV
After that little incident with that guy Jackson in the hallway I headed straight to my math class avoiding all the stares of the people who just saw was happened. I quickly took my seat. Unfortunately not long after I sat down thing one and thing two sat down next to me.

"Dude what was that about?" Stiles asked me.

"I don't know he started it I finished it not much to talk about. He caught me a not so great mood today so..." I said dully.

"Jeez well I hate to catch you in a bad mood then." he said in joking manner.

"So where did you go after lunch today you kinda just disappeared?" Scott asked suspiciously.

"I had to make a call" I said in a monotone voice.


With that we sat in silence till the end of the period. Afterwards I went to my final two classes of the day and the second school ended I left the building as fast a demigod-ly possible.

Scott's POV

After I saw what happened in the hallway I rushed after percy to try and get some answers. When I reached our math class stiles and I sat next to him on either side.

"Dude what was that about?" Stiles asked percy.

"I don't know he started it I finished it not much to talk about. He caught me a not so great mood today so..." He replied boredly.

"Jeez well I hate to catch you in a bad mood then." Stiles said in joking manner

"So where did you go after lunch today you kinda just disappeared?" I asked.

"I had to make a call" he said in a monotone voice.

"Oh" was all I said and returned to the lesson. we sat insolence for the rest of the period. after the bell rang stiles and I tried to find Percy but he was gone again. I made me way over to Deaton's clinic for my shift.  When I got there he was busy with a new client so I made my way to the back to feed the other animals and do my other basic jobs there. When I heard them leave I went back out to talk to Deaton.

"Hey Deaton that guy Percy just keeps getting weirder and weirder. I mean he got in a fight with Jackson today and he told him to let him go in the most commanding voice it sounded like he could control a whole army. I mean that's completely impossible right he's only like 17 and there is no way he could have commanded a whole army right. and he's got dyslexia or something and like really bad ADHD. I mean like worse that stiles." I tell him when I find him.

Deaton appears to be deep in thought when I finish talking.

"I may have an inkling of an idea but I can't be sure yet. Let me reach out to some people who have more knowledge on the subject. I'll let you know in a few days." he said to me in a distracted tone .

Authors note
Hey everybody author here I'm so so sorry for not updating on a really long time. I've been so busy and to be honest I kinda sorta maybe forgot. though hopefully now that it's summer time I'll be able to update more often. I'm super sorry that this chapter is so short but I felt really bad for not updating that I thought I'd publish this short one as a way of saying sorry. so until next time I bid you all ado.

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