Chapter 5

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Every single person on this Earth had their ups and downs; whether it is waking up late, getting dumped or missing the last bus for the day. Everyone experiences a moment where they feel that they can't go on and nothing makes sense. They just want everything to stop. And, let's be real for a minute, if you haven't been through that before, chances are you would one way or another because it's inevitable.

Life is not a fairy tale where everything is all hunky-dory and there's always a happy ending. Life is not filled with rainbows, sunshine and happiness alone. It is also filled with dark-gray gloomy clouds, rainstorms and melancholy. Life was just life.

But there was a term for this, bad day. That's what they called it, just having a bad day and unfortunately, I had fallen into the category of having one.

The sun rays shone through the curtain and landed on my face. A groan fell from my already chapped lips. For some reason my lips were always dry but that wasn't where I was getting at. I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling contemplating why I had to be woken up at this moment. I was perfectly fine with the dream I was having of him. It was the dream where we had ended up getting married and lived happily ever after; it was my own fairy tale.

A sigh left my lips as I chided myself; I was not supposed to be thinking about these things. It would just end up with me moping around for the rest of the day. And we don't want that now, do we? Why was I talking to myself again? Right...

I swing my legs off of the bed and stretch. I lazily cover my mouth as a yawn tries to escape it. Humming, I get up and prepare for the day ahead.

The stool scraped against the tiles as I pulled it back to take a seat. I placed the bowl onto the granite counter as I grumbled incoherently. Picking up the spoon, I shoved the healthy cereal into my mouth. The only sound to be heard was me chewing and metal hitting glass every once in a while.

It went on like that for a few minutes or so until there was only a little bit of milk left in the bowl. I sighed and got up and walked to the sink, deciding to wash my wears one time because I know I'll forget it being there.

After finishing up in the kitchen, I made my way up the stairs, to my room to get ready for work. Walking into the bathroom, I peeled last night's clothes off of my body and turned on the shower. I tapped my foot onto the tile as I waited for the temperature that I wanted.

My heels made a click sound as it touched the stairs every now and then. I held onto the railing and breathed a sigh of relief as I reached the bottom of the stairs. I readjusted my handbag and walked to the kitchen. I filled up my thermos with coffee and grabbed a fruit to munch on.

I pushed my key and turned it and smiled as a humming sound resonated throughout the car. Reversing out of the driveway, I fiddle with the radio trying to find a good station. After finding one that was somewhat good, I focused at the task at hand; which was getting to work on time and in one shape.

I had already begun to miss the feeling of my mother picking me up and dropping me off every day. But, she was right; I couldn't let her to do that for the rest of my and her life. I took a sip of my coffee when I stopped at a red light and hummed along to the song that was flowing through the speakers in my car.

I still didn't know how I felt about the car as yet. I mean, it was good and all, but...The light turned green and I pressed slightly on the accelerator. I was going at a moderate pace, pretty sure I would get pulled over for driving too slow.

Did that really happen? Or was it just in movies and books.

Even if it did, I couldn't be late, so I sped up a little.

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