Chapter 6

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Harry Styles, the guy with the chestnut hair that curled at the end, with the green eyes, the dimples on both cheeks and that smile. I had searched him up, didn't really get anything on him only his last name. At least from now on I knew his name, so it wasn't for nothing.

It had been approximately two minutes since the staring competition had begun. We both showed no signs of looking away or talking for that matter. I tilted my head and he raised one of his eyebrows. And it went on like that for a while. As if no one else was in the room. But a lot of people were, and they made it known.

"Harry" an unknown woman whispers.

My head snaps up as I had forgotten that we weren't alone. I stare at her and wonder why she had to open her mouth. I was this close to winning. I turned back to look at him and he had this smile on his face. I didn't know if it was a smirk or one of his cheeky smiles.

He clears his throat and turns his attention to the whole group.

"Okay guys, let's start" He says quickly glancing at all of the faces.

I bite my lip and play with my fingers as he begins to talk about accepting whatever was bothering us. Everyone here had a different story, and sadly I didn't bother to find out when I first came here because I was in my own little bubble not worrying about anything else.

I had to accept the fact that John was gone and he was never coming back. No matter how much I wanted him to, I couldn't bring him back from the dead. It was better if I accepted it now. It was the key to finally closing the door on that life. If I couldn't accept it, that door would forever be open and all I would be doing is hurting me.

I sighed softly as I tuned back into what he had to say.

"There's no one in your way, but you. You are the one who decides if this is what you want to go through for your entire life. You decide if you want to be constantly in pain. It's all on you, and only you. If you don't want to accept that fact and move on you're not going to get better. And this is why you guys are here. To get better, right? We all want to get better. We have to, if we want to survive in this world." He states rising from his seat.

I glance around and everyone seems to be listening intently on what he's saying. His words, no doubt, were floating around in their minds. His words, to me, are powerful. It holds a kind of meaning, an understanding, on what it's like to be in this state; to be in this pain. I've noticed it more now that I've been paying attention.

He somehow can relate to this feeling, which makes it all the more better. People, well a lot of people usually say that you can never truly know what an individual is going through unless you've been through it. Or at least can relate to that pain and feeling. Yes, there's always the psychological part and research done on it. But, unless you can relate to it, it'll be better.

I wasn't going to be nosey and find out what happened to him though. I wouldn't do that, because I wouldn't like anyone snooping around trying to find out what happened to me.

He's walking around now. "So, this is what I want you guys to do when you get home. Get your journal, sit down and write about the things you wanted to achieve, your goals before everything came crashing down. I want you guys to look at it and let that be your light, your match. You can still conquer your goals. Don't wait until it's too late and you can't reach them. You see, I doubt they would want you to be in this state. They would want you to go out into the world and experience everything it grants you" He says stopping right back at his chair.

Harry takes a seat and waits as he lets the words he just said sink in. My goals, they seemed so distant now. I didn't see any need as to why I should continue down on that path. After all, all my goals revolved around John. But, could I achieve them without him?

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