Chapter 2

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I turned around to be met with green emerald eyes. Clad in white top and a dark black skinny jean was no one other than Larry -the councilor. I don't think he dresses like this when we have the group session. Or was it that I had never paid attention to what was going on around me. I decided to go with the latter as I brought my attention back to him. Biting his lip, eyebrow raised and one hand in his pocket he stared at me waiting for my answer. That's when I realized that I had been staring at him for more than a minute now. Ridding my head of the thoughts that swirled in my mind I licked my lips and got up.

"Yeah, I was just leaving" I say getting up and swinging my bag over my shoulder.

I quickly walked past him not even taking a second glance as I prepared myself for the harsh winds that I was to meet. I rested my hand on the knob already prepared to open it but was stopped by the question that followed.

"Is someone coming for you?" He asked as I looked back just in time to see him run his fingers through his long chocolate hair that curled up at the end.

"No, I'm walking" I said as I loosened my grip on the knob.

"You can't walk home in that weather. I'll drive you home" He says walking and stopping right beside me.

"No, you don't have to I'm perfectly fine walking home" I said as I bit my lip and opened the door causing a cold wind to enter the room. I wrapped my hands around me and shivered.

"Right I'm taking you home and I'm not taking no as an answer" He says walking out the door while beckoning me to follow.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. I closed the door and quickly fell into step beside him. We walked in silence until we came in front of a silver-gray Audi R8. My eyes widen as I looked at him and wondered if it was his. My question was soon answered when he pulled out the car keys and unlocked it. Opening the passenger side I slowly slipped into the comfy seat and sighed in content. He got in right after me and instantly put the heat on. I buckled my seat belt as he started the car and drove away the church becoming a faint building. I rubbed my hands together trying to get my blood cells running again. After a moment of silence I looked at him but seemed to be too BUSY driving to notice. I looked out the window as everything blurred into one.

"Where do you live?" He asks his voice coming out a bit raspy and breaking the silence.

After I tell him, the silence soon returns and he puts on the radio. I sigh and lean my head on the window as I close my eyes. Even though my eyelids were closed I could still feel them drooping as sleep engulfs me like a mother holding a child. I could've sworn I felt something cover me and then light humming. But maybe I was just too exhausted that I began visualizing things.

Like always, my dreams consisted of him. Memories, flashbacks, you name it. He was all I could think about at the end of the day. He infiltrated my mind and made it his mission to stay there forever. So it didn't come as a shock that I dreamt of him. I liked it because just for a while I could dream about him. Just for a while I could actually talk to him and see him; because just for a while I was the happiest girl in the world. And I would literally do anything to feel that way again; to feel happy and enjoy my day and welcome it with a smile on my face; but that all feels like a distant memory now; a memory that was forever lodged in my mind.

I guess I expected too much when I fell in love. And, now it's come back to bite me in the butt. But I know I can't move backwards, I must move forward; because I'll just be hurting myself. But I can't help but stop and wonder if this was it for me. I'm still young; I should be living my life. Instead, I'm not and I all I could think about; is him. I probably don't make any sense. Half the time I don't. All my thoughts are jumbled together and it's going to take me forever to unravel them and get back on track. But if I don't start now I'll never get it done. But before I could even get lost in my dream I felt a hand shaking me softly.

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