Chapter 10

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     Nina heard the sound of glass shattering. She turned just in time to see Ace race down street. There was only one person she knew he could be pursuing. She had been sitting on Thunder outside the barn waiting to go in and untack him. Nina had to wait because a horse in the barn had starting acting up and kicking at everyone who went near. The four soul riders had gone to help with the horse. She was the only one who had noticed Ace, the others distracted by the situation in the barn. Without thinking she turned and galloped down the road after him. As she drew closer, she could see he who he was chasing. I knew it she thought seeing he was after her friend. Shadow ran incredibly fast but Ace could keep up. Nina started to lag behind and gave Thunder a kick knowing he could be lazy sometimes. They were at least two miles outside town when Shadow took flight. Nina watched him ascend and gain speed, he could clearly fly faster then he could run. Ace continued his attempt to attack following the direction they went firing beams of energy. Nina needed to stop him somehow. She grabbed a rock off the ground and thought This is completely stupid. She threw the rock at Ace as hard as she could and hit him in the leg causing him to stumble. He fire a couple more beams anyway and Nina could only watch as Shadow was hit clean in the stomach and the pair tumbled down into the mountains. Ace turned to pursue but Nina threw another rock causing him to trip and fall over completely. The horse leapt up and whirled around to face her, glowing with a dark rage. She readied herself to run but before Ace attacked Thunder neither loudly and glared at the other horse. To Nina's surprise Ace backed down. He turned to run off, going the opposite way from where Shadow had fallen. He glanced at Thunder one more time before galloping off into the woods. What just happened? Nina thought confused I'll think about this later, I need to find Jacqueline and Shadow. She turned and raced off in the direction the pair had crashed. Shadow had flown very fast and gotten pretty far into the mountains before crashing which meant it could take a long time to find them. She was suddenly glad about the leftovers from lunch in her saddlebag. Half a sandwich would do for dinner if necessary.  It was only 3:00 in the afternoon according to her watch but she went to make sure it was correct with her phone and realized she'd forgotten it in the stables. Dang it she thought urging Thunder into a gallop. There was no time to go back and get it or even to go get help. They had fallen from pretty high up and she had to make sure they were alright, she couldn't afford to ride two miles to Valedale and two more back. So Nina pressed Thunder onward deeper into the woods towards the mountains, knowing she couldn't turn back. Not even to get help. Her and Thunder were on their own.

The Black Horse - a star stable storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن