Chapter 12

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     I lay there helplessly with my horse for what felt like hours.  I was starving but had nothing to eat and my leg was aching painfully. I knew Shadow's wing probably hurt just as much. I toyed hopelessly with my broken phone before finally giving up on it and chucked it into the woods. I heard a splash. Well at least there's water nearby I thought. Maybe we wouldn't die out here. I suddenly heard a branch crack and Shadow's head shot up, his ears forward on full alert. A dark haired girl riding a black horse came out of the woods, the horse leaving a trail of flaming hoof prints behind him. She looked at us and said "I thought I saw something crash out here" I had a distinct feeling I shouldn't trust her. She reminded me of Ace, she had some kind of dark magic. How I knew this I had no idea. Shadow seemed to know it too. Before she could do anything, I heard hooves pounding and saw Nina come racing between the trees towards us. I had never been happier to see her in my life. The other girl turned to attack her but then I saw something incredible. Thunder glared at the other girl a strange gleam in his eye almost as if he was showing off a hidden strength. Whatever it was it cause the other girl to curse and turn away. She raced off leaving more flaming hoof prints behind her. "I don't think I've ever been happier to see you in my life!" I told Nina truthfully. "I'm pretty glad to see you too considering I raced out here without my phone to find you" she said with a laugh. "Do the others even know you came?" I asked. "I doubt it, they were caught up with a situation in the barn and I saw Ace chasing you and just followed" she replied "I don't think they saw me leave" "Well then we'll have to figure out to get out of here" I said "I think my leg is broken and Shadow's wing definitely is" Nina jumped off Thunder and came over "Well then you should ride Thunder since you can't walk, is Shadow strong enough to walk?" "He should be without me leaning on him" I replied. She helped me get onto Thunder which took a few minutes with my leg. "I think that girl, Lisa, has healing powers she should be able to help you guys when get back" Nina said. "Thanks" I said grateful for all her help. As we made our way through the woods I couldn't stop thinking about how hungry I was. I'll worry about that when we get back I thought. Almost as if reading my mind Nina suddenly grabbed half a sandwich out of her saddlebag and broke it in half. She handed me a piece and said "Here, you must be starving I know I am!" we ate as we walked in what we hoped was the right direction. Of course it wasn't. We ended up near a cave we didn't recognize in the woods. Shadow was strangely quiet the entire trip. He kept glancing at Thunder. I didn't question him, he'd been through a lot. We decided to rest in the cave since the sun was going down and Shadow looked like he couldn't walk for much longer. Hopefully some sleep would give him some more strength. Nina helped me off her horse inside the cave. I leaned against the wall glad to relax. Shadow laid down next to me. After Thunder and Nina fell asleep I asked Shadow "What's wrong? You've been quiet all afternoon" he seemed nervous and confused as he replied. "I- I think Thunder is my brother"

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