Chapter 17

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     When we got to Elizabeth's house the others were already waiting for us. They told us Anne would be fine. "She just used to much strength escaping" Lisa explained "Fripp gave her some magical potion and said she'd be fine in a day or two. Her and Concorde are staying with Fripp until she wakes up" we then told the group what we had discovered. "So we have to find this Fire Horse then!" Alex said "do we have any clue who it could be?" "Well I have some information, but it's probably not helpful" Shadow said "once my mother mentioned to me a cousin of mine was magic. All she said was he would be important someday. Later we learned he was captured as a foal by people and sold somewhere off of the island. That's the only lead I have on this at all". "So he could be anywhere on earth right now" I said "that makes our job a lot harder" "Another thing will make our search harder" Thunder added "me and Shadow both were taught how to use magic, this horse never was. It's possible they will discover their strength on their own, but it's much harder that way" "Plus we have Dark Core and Ace" My said "what would they do if they found this horse?" "If he hasn't discovered his powers then I think either one would try to get them to join them" Shadow stated "but if he has discovered it then I fear they would try to kill the Fire Horse" "Them we need to find this horse before they do!" Lisa said "but we can't exactly search the world for this horse, this is going to take time" "They say that the magical beings of this island always return when their strength is needed" Shadow said "I'm sure fate will lead them back here" This made me realize exactly how smart my horse was. He wasn't just as smart as a person, he was probably smarter then most people. "Well then the best thing to do is return to our normal lives until they do come" Linda said. I suddenly remembered I was here for a summer camp. So much for just a simple summer camp I thought to myself thinking about everything that happened. Then it hit me. I might have to stay longer then one summer. Also I knew at the end of summer Herman would offer to let me buy Shadow. I couldn't just leave him, I needed to be his owner. We were a team after all. I could tell with one glance that Nina was thinking the same thing. Board was a lot cheaper on Jorvik then it was in the U.S. The barn I rode at back home charged around $500 a month. Here it was only $200 a month and the summer camp information sheet had said if you buy your horse afterward you only have to pay half the board at Jorvik Stables. That was a lot cheaper, my mom could afford that. The only problem was we don't live here. Later that afternoon I called my mom to talk about this. I didn't dare tell her about the magical events, she would never believe me. "Hey mom" I said as she picked up the phone. "What's wrong? You sound troubled" my mom replied. "Well I was just thinking about how I wouldn't be able to buy Shadow at the end of summer. I just can't bear leaving him." I told her. Of course I didn't say why. "Well I have a surprise for you!" my mom said "I had a feeling you'd bond with whatever horse you trained, so I decided to buy a house on Jorvik! The mortgage is a lot cheaper there too, which makes my life easier." I sat straight up on the bed. This solved all of my problems. Suddenly I wondered about Nina. "What about Nina?" I asked my mom. "I told her mom about my plan at the beginning of summer shortly after you left" she said "turns out Nina's mom has been wanting to move there for a long time. When I told her I was going she started looking at houses. I don't know if she found one yet though, but I'm sure she will tell Nina when she does". This was great news. Now I could stay and help Shadow. I remembered what he had said before They say the magical beings of this island always return here when their strength is needed. It made perfect sense thinking about how coincidental it was that my mom decided to move here after everything that's happened. Now I was sure the Fire Horse would come to this island soon. And I'd be ready when they did.

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