Chapter 11

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A white pegasus walks through the woods with two young foals trotting just ahead of her. She glances around knowing her enemy is nearby. She says nothing not wanting to scare the foals. One foal has wings the other doesn't. This had troubled her for a long time, the two had been twins so why could only one fly? Suddenly an energy beam flys past barely missing the mare's face. The foals start to run, the mare whirls around to face the dark brown horse attacking them. She strikes back with her own glowing white beams of energy. The other horse however she sees has turned his attention to the young foals. She races over and slams into him hoping to get his attention on her. He attacks the foals however and they are hit by an energy beam and sent off the cliff nearby. The mare kicks him hard sending him flying somewhere far off in the woods. She races down the cliff looking for the foals. She only finds the black one wings sprawled out on either side of him laying on a small ledge. He stumbles to his feet and looks around in despair realizing he couldn't find his brother. He had gone the rest of the way down. The mare senses he is still alive but doesn't tell the other foal. She knows he would want to look but the mare sensed he had been teleported away. There was no way to know where. The mare and the black foal took flight and soared off over the woods.
I woke with a start. More weird dreams I thought. Then I remembered the crash and my attention turned to my situation. I had a sharp pain in my leg and a glance told me it was probably broken. Besides that I only had scrapes and bruises. I searched for Shadow and saw him nearby. He stumbled to his feet and shook the leaves off himself. His left wing looked broken. So much for flying out of here I thought. He also had many scrapes and bruises but nothing else serious. If I had to guess my leg had taken most of the impact with the ground and so had Shadow's wing. He walked over and nudged me saying "Are you alright?" "I think so" I replied "but I think my leg might be broken" "So is my wing" Shadow said. He leaned his head down to help me up. I held on to his neck as he lifted his head. I couldn't put any weight on my right leg and leaned on the horse for support. "You should get on my back" Shadow said "but it will hurt your wing even more" I argued "I can just hop like this". We started to make our way through the woods slowly and painfully. Shadow, still weak from the crash tripped and fell over a branch landing on his right side with me on top of him. "Well that won't work" I said "let's try my phone" I felt kinda stupid for not doing that right away, but I knew the moment I reached into my pocket it was pointless. I pulled out the phone and saw it was destroyed. The touch screen hadn't just cracked - it had shattered leaving a huge hole in the middle and the parts inside were also damaged. "We won't be calling anyone anytime soon" I said showing Shadow the phone. "I guess the best we can do is wait here, somebody had to have seen Ace run through town, and possibly even saw us crash" Shadow replied. To me it felt hopeless. We could only wait for help. But the question was who would find us first. Our friends or Ace?

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