Chapter 18

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     As the sun set me and Shadow stood on a cliff ledge in the Firgrove mountains. It was usually a long walk from Valedale but we got here pretty quickly flying. You could see almost the entire island from up here. A light breeze blew through the air as the moon started to reveal itself. Me and Shadow stood side by side in silence as the sun dipped below the horizon and disappeared completely. We soon were standing there with thousands of stars twinkling above us. Shadow then broke the silence. "Look at all those people down there" he said "they sleep innocently unaware of the legends unfolding all around them" this was probably one of the wisest things I'd ever heard him say. I suddenly thought back to when I was teaching him to leg yield and he had been totally confused. I laughed a little and Shadow said "What is it?" "Nothing" I replied "I was just thinking back to around when we first met". We stood in silence for another few minutes. "You know we go back to Jorvik Stables tomorrow, your gonna have to disguise again for who knows how long" I said. "I know" Shadow replied "it's the best thing to do for now, at least until we find the Fire Horse" "True" I replied "I hope they come to Jorvik soon" "Me too" Shadow said "but we can only wait" I knew Shadow was right. All we could do is wait. The Fire Horse would come eventually. And when it does we will be ready. To think, all of this started when I met a small black horse at Jorvik Stables. And he turned out to be more then just a horse.

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