Chapter 22

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He remembered things when he was in a coma. Memories dotting his brain like walking paradox's. How sweet they were but in reality, how bitter they felt to remember. This was his reality.

There was one memory in particular. It was a snowy day, freezing even. He was about 6 or 7. He was bundled up in this rather ugly forest green coat and a striped cap donned his head.

"What are you going out to do?" His mom asked, wriggling the camera towards his direction, unnoticeably video taping him.

"Shovel." He said proudly, a grin reaching his lips while swiveling his shovel in front of him.

"Shovel what?" His mom giggled.

"Snow." His smile reached full wattage and he laughed heartily.

That day seemed so long ago.

Nostalgia hit him hard as he opened his eyes and the buzzing of the bright lights reached his ears.

What he would do to go back to that day, where he was perfectly innocent and healthy.

He knew he was going to die. It was inevitable. Death was inevitable.

It couldn't be avoided it, no matter how hard he tried.

A sad smile reached his lips but gave no emotion what so ever to his eyes, that were dull and brown.

"Hi." He whispered, looking at the face that he had fell in love with.

"Hi." Alissa's voice cracked, agony evident in her voice.

He reached for her hand and feebly rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand, in an attempt to comfort her.

"It's okay." He smiled, nodding.

She shook her head, a sad smile dancing on her lips. "It isn't okay nor fair for that matter. You are so perfect in my eyes and I don't think I'll ever understand why bad things happen to good people. But I've accepted it. All we have is now, right here, this moment. We shouldn't live our life in fast forward, waiting for whatever's next. Because this is it. This is all we have in this god awful world. We better start enjoying the moments we have now because we will end up regretting them if we don't. I don't plan on regretting spending every second of life that you have left with you just ending up regretting it."

He smiled. "Your words are about as beautiful as you."

She crinkled her nose, mocking disgust. "Gross, I can't handle your cheesiness no not today Satan."

"We should watch a movie."

Her eyebrows shot up, her face perking up.

"I call dibs on which movie!"


As some of you may have noticed, this book sadly will soon be coming to an end. After about 3 years (yes, I've been writing this tiring and ugly book for 3 years) I will have finished my first book which is this one, Philophobia! This is exciting but sad and I want to thank everyone who stuck with this story even when I didn't update for a month ;)

until the end, hasta la vista muchachos

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