Chapter 12

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"Justin!" I yelled down the winding stairs. The echo in the house was loud and clear. A few minutes later Justin popped his head around the corner, hair messed up and toothbrush in his mouth.

"Yeah?" He said with a mouthful of toothpaste.

I giggled, "you have toothpaste on your mouth."

He wiped it off and grinned, "what did you need Ali?"

"I just wanted to say goodmorning." I goofily grinned.

His smile turned wider, "goodmorning beautiful." Then he trudged back to the bathroom.

A few hours later we were just lazing around the house having nothing to do.
Suddenly Justin turns to me and says excitedly, "wanna go swimming?"


A few minutes later we were racing towards the pool and simultaneously jumped in together. I emerged, laughing and wiped the hair off of my face.

Justin splashed me.

"Hey!" I said, splashing him back.
This turned into a splashing war and let's just say that Justin won.

"So," Justin said, scooting closer to me.
"What?" I sighed, leaning back against the edge and soaking in the sun.

"Ali, I have to tell you something."

Justin said with a serious tone. "It's important."

"Hmm?" I said lazily, closing my eyes.

"I-I....." He took shakily breath.

I popped open my eyes and looked at him.

"What is it?" I said.

"Um..." He looked down, nervously playing with his fingers. "So I went to the doctors the other day because I had a really bad ache in my head that wouldn't go away...."

He took a deep breath and looked off into the distant.

My face scrunched up, confused.

"He gave you medicine and you're better now?" I asked.

he looked back at me, face hallow of any emotion.

"I have leukemia, Ali."

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