Chapter 4

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"Is she dead?" Abigail asked, poking me in the side.

"No, she just passed out, she'll be alright in a minute." Justin replied with a humoured smirk playing on his lips. My eyes opened, and looked at the two people above me.

"Well hi there, welcome back." Justin smiled.

I groaned, "oh no... I fainted didn't i?" I inwardly smacked myself. That was so embarrassing.

You see, when I get overly nervous, or excited, or any other emotion as a matter of fact, I tend to faint. Just flat out faint right there and then. I cant really help myself, it just happens.

"Was it because of my boyish charm? Was it just too much?" Justin smirked, oozing that egotistic confidence i hated oh so much.

"Really? I could have just hit my head and died and you're attempting to crack a joke about it?"

"Sorry, Als. Are you okay?" Concern filled his ever-changing eyes.

"Um, yeah, Im okay." I got up, averting my eyes from justin.

"Sooo?" Justin said.

"Sooo.." I turned and looked at Abigail, "Hey Abby, go run upstairs and watch tv up there. I'll be up there in a few minutes." I smiled at her and hugged her.

"Are we gonna talk about that thing that i kind-of, sort-of mentioned?" Justin smirked, again. I swear, that boy just oozes sarcasm.

"Oh... That thing.. Look, Justin, i know you were sincere about all of that stuff, but I can't really be in any type of relationship. I have a bunch of stuff going on, my dad, abigail.." I trailed off, biting my lip.

"Then we can take things extra slow." He dazzled me with a smile, "I like a little challenge now and then." He winked, intoxicating me with his charm.

Well poop.

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