Chapter 11

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The next few weeks were of simultaneous routine. My relationship with Justin had heightened to new depths. My relationship with my dad? Well, let's just say he's still a sick, perverted bastard.

"I think I'm going to apply for college." I sat at the island, glancing up at Justin.

He raised his eyebrows in disbelief. "Really? You've never even mentioned college before this whole deal with your dad."

"I know, I know." I furrowed my eyebrows. "But I want to make something of myself, get a degree of some kind. Something that would make my mom proud of me." I clasped my hands together.

"Ali, your mom is proud of you." Justin said, chopping the chicken into strips.

"I know." I let out a barely audible sigh. "But i also want to do this for myself. Will you help me fill out applications?" I glanced at him, my eyes full of hope.

"Of course." He gave me a dimpled smile. "Though i may be no good at it."

My cheeks raised into a happy grin. "Thank you!" I shouted attack-hugging him.

"Hey, watch it! Im trying to cook." He sighed, sounding exasperated.

The next few days we filled out a variety of applications from colleges nearby to Justin's house and my Aunt's house, i didn't really want to go far away. But i also had to keep my options wide.

"Do you have any idea what you're going to major in?" Justin looked up from the paper filled table. He gestured to all of the applications, "You must want to major in something if you want to go to college this badly."

I giggled, continuing to write. "Of course i do." He looked at me expectantly. "I want to be a social worker. Help kids that come from broken homes to see a brighter future. Eventually, if i get to actually help them, I'll tell them about me and how i made something of myself."

Justin smiled genuinely.

"That's really great."

We continued until it turned dark outside, we both said our goodnights.

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