Chapter 9

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• Alissa's POV •

The next day me and Justin drove over to his mom's house to pick up Abigail. Once we picked up Abby we drove
My mind was made up. I would let Abby live with my Aunt Kay.

I saddened at the thought but quickly realized that she only lived about fifteen minutes from Justin's place, so it wasn't like she was moving across the country.

"We're here!" Justin announced.

"No shit, Sherlock." I shot back sarcastically.

Justin glared at me. "There is a child listening, Alissa! How dare you!" He glanced back at Abigail.

"Pretend you didn't hear what your sister, very inappropriately might i mention, said, okay?"

Abby stared at him innocently. "But I did hear her!"

Justin glared at her. "Just pretend you didn't, please?"

Abby crossed her arms. "No."

Sighing, Justin turned a little more in his seat. "Okay, what's it gonna take kid?"

Abby chuckled.

"I want cookies!" She shouted as if her life depended on it.

"Fine." Justin muttered, taking the key out of the ignition.

I laughed, looking at Justin. "It really isn't that bad. One time, she conned me into buying her a Barbie house."

Justin's eyes widened and his gaze flicked from me to Abby's.

"Who knew someone so innocent looking could be so manipulative..." He muttered, walking towards the front door.

"What was that?" Abby's questioning gaze lingering on Justin.

"Oh nothing, I was just saying that you have some nice clothes on!" Offering a fake smile.

I walked into the wide archway of his house.

"Why do you have such a big house when it's only you living here?" I scrunched my nose up.

he smirked. "So stragglers like you would have a place to go if ever they were in need."

That shut me up, knowing he was being very generous about the whole situation.

Abby dived into the cushions of the couch giggling.

"So what were we going to talk about?" Abby questioned me.

"What?" I said, reluctantly averting my eyes from Justin.

"You said it was important!" She whined.

"Oh yes." I sat down beside her, tucking a leg underneath me.

"Do you remember your Aunt Kay? The one with the big pool and crazy hair?"

Abby looked at me confused. "Yes. Why?"

"Well," i started, "it looks like you're going to go on a little vacation at her place for a little while! Doesn't that sound like fun?!" I enthused.

Abby looked at me, tears threatening to spill over. "I won't get to see you! I don't want to go! No, no, no!" She sat back, her arms crossed.

"Hey," i cooed, "it's only for a little while and i promise i will visit all of the time."

"All the time?" She repeated.

I looked at Justin, who nodded.

I nodded, putting a smile on my face. "Mhhm! I promise! Maybe Justin will tag along as well." I smiled.

She clapped her hands together.

"Yay! I finally get to see Aunt Kay! Im gonna have so much fun!" She squealed.

I blew out a relieved sigh and smiled at her. "Yeah, you will have tons of things to do there!"

She suddenly hugged me.

"Thanks sissy." She whispered, her chin nestled into my shoulder blade.

"For what?" I pulled back looking at her.

"For being the best sister ever!" She wrapped her arms around me.

"I don't get a hug?" Justin spoke up, pouting.

"I never got my cookies." She smirked at him, getting off of me.

"Little devil.." Justin muttered under his breath.

He peeked up. "Okay, wait here your highness." He bowed and sauntered out.

Abigail giggled at his actions.

I raised my eyebrows at her.

"What?" She said.

"Nothing," i mused, "nothing at all."

I tried to hide the smile playing on my lips.

"Here you go, your highness. Only the best cookies for the best queen." He spoke with elegance and placed the cookies onto her small lap.

Justin went and sat down on the opposite couch. After watching her eat her cookies Justin piped up. "So, where's my hug?" He smirked, opening his arms.

"I don't feel like giving you one." Abby replied, cookie crumbs lining her mouth.

Justin shot her a glare, looking like he was secretly plotting her murder in his head.

I shook my head and laughed to myself, enjoying the moment.

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