Chapter 2

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We snuck into the house, grabbed Abigail, and got out of there as quickly as possible.

There were a few complications during the process, but we did it. We got her away from that monster.

All I wanted to do was cry and go to my moms' grave, tell her everything, and bawl until I had no tears left.

I turned to Justin, as we were still in his car heading to his house,

"Um, will we be safe at your house? Like, none of your friends are gonna show up with like a gun and shoot us all?"

I shuddered deeply at the thought.

Justin cocked his eyebrow, amusement lining his lips, "No, not tonight Ali bear" he mused.

My relief was noticeable, and I could tell Justin was trying to hold in his laughter.

A few silent minutes passed in the car.

I looked back and made sure Abigail was alright.

"You okay?" I whispered to her.

She nodded, frightened, "Where are we going sissy?"

I closed my eyes to prevent the tears from showing. Taking a few deep breaths I replied,

"We're going somewhere safe, sweetie, dont worry."I sighed and plopped my head back on the seat. I felt an arm slide across my shoulder, and I leaned into Justin as he drove. He was so warm. I looked up at his face.

"Justin... I really appreciate everything you have done and are doing.. It means so much to me," I started choking up, "I don't have anyone else.. Thank you so much, really."

Justin's deep brown eyes looked down at me, a faint smile on his lips.

"Ali," he replied slowly, "I would do anything for you... Be anything for you, you know that right?"

He took a stray strand of my hair and tucked it behind my ear, his fingers leaving a fiery trail along my skin. Honestly, all I could think about was how cliché the whole deal was. You know, the cheesy pick-up line, the hair being tucked behind the ear. Even through my humor, I smiled warmly, knowing that he was sincere about it all. I grabbed his hand that wasn't on the wheel, and squeezed it tightly, feeling safer than I've felt in awhile. I never wanted to let go. He squeezed back, and rubbed his thumb on the top of my hand, creating a soothing pattern.

We stayed like that until we arrived at his house.

He parked his car in his over zealous garage, far too big for the four expensive car's that he owned.

I took Abby's hand and together we walked into Justin's house. Too stricken with grief to pretend I was fine, I sighed.

All I wanted to do was lay down.. Fall asleep.. Forget my problems for awhile..

"Would you two like anything to drink or eat?" Justin asked, disrupting my train of thought.

I shook my head no, but Abby wanted some juice, so Justin prepared her a cup.

I went to sit down on Justin's plush couch, admiring the softness. I looked up at the wide screen tv, aimlessly watching 'Martin' play some old reruns.

Justin plopped down beside me, wrapping his arms around me and engulfing me. Abigail sat on the other side, cuddling next to me. I ruffled Abby's hair.

I rested my head on Justin's shoulder, still watching the TV.

"Ali.." Justin said, soft-toned.

I looked up into Justin's big hazel eyes which were penetrating me, and making my brain slightly fuzzy. "Yes?" I cocked my head to the side.

"You're gonna be ok and Abby is going to be okay. You can stay at my place as long as you need, okay?"

Oh no, here comes the water works.

God, was my head pounding.

I just sat there, hugging Justin, and silently crying out the few tears I had remaining. eventually, I fell into a deep, exhausted, and dreamless sleep. I woke up the next morning to... Screaming?

What the hell? I thought to myself.

I sat up really fast, clutching my head from the dizziness.

I spotted Justin and an unidentified girl with long black hair.

"You promised, You disgusting prick. You promised you wouldn't cheat on me and you still had the nerve to go out and cheat. I'm sick and tired of this bullshit. We are done!" She spat at him.

Justin replied, fists closed tightly, and his neck veins bulging, "Alright, goodbye. Have a wonderful life."

Justin's eyes turned into slits.

He looked around the yelling girl, gritting his teeth.

"What are you doing here?" He growled, "you promised you wouldn't come around here."

"I need my money, now." The tattooed man replied icily.

"Man, I don't have it."

The thuggish man pulled out a gun, admiring its handle.

"Well, looks like someone's going to get a bullet in their head today." He smiled, showing his grill.

PhilophobiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora