Me and You

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*No POV*  

The boys stayed at the warehouse all day and night , figuring out a plan to kill whoever threaten the girls

Ray- I can't have them Kill Imani or Cameron !!

John- they won't , I got a plan

Johnson told them the plan , and they all agreed

Roc- we gonna get these muthafuckas!

*A week later*

Imani POV

Today me and Cameron was on our way to sign Cameron up for daycare

Me- Cam are you excited

Cam- yes

He grinned cheek to cheek , happy as ever , I walked up to the front desk to see a mid 40s white woman with honey blonde hair

Lady- Hi ma'am

Me- hi I'm Imani, and this is Cameron

Cam- Hi

Me- I would like to sign him up for daycare

Lady- ok, just sign this paper work and we will get Cameron settled

Me- ok

I filled out the sheet and returned it to the lady whose name is Mrs.Smith

Mrs.S- ok the class he will be in is Ms. Carey

I nodded and grabbed Cam and walked to the assigned rooms.

Ms.C- Hi how are you?

Me- Hi Im Imani nice to meet you

Ms.C- nice to meet you too and who is this handsome boy

Cam- Cameron

Mrs.C- Nice to meet you Cameron and all the information you need to know is on that table over there

I walked over to a table surrounded by parents nd got the packet nd started filling it out

And left the school and went to run errands.

*3hours later*

Me and Cameron was at wal mart getting groceries when I got a text from Ray

Ray- hey , where yu at ?

Me- at the store getting groceries , you ?

Ray- turn around

I turned around and smirked.

Me- hey

Ray- hey bae *kisses you* hey little man

Cam- sup dawg !!

We laughed

Me- so what brings you here

Ray- had to get milk , how was the first day

Me- it went good , his teacher is-

Cam- Ms.Carey

Me- *laughs* yep Mrs.Carey

Ray- ooh ok

We started walking together , Ray took Cameron somewhere while I got some more food and we left

*That night*

Me and Ray was in my bed cuddling , he was fast asleep , I got up and went out into the living room.

I started cleaning up Cameron toys , and started washing dishes , then I felt arms wrap around my waists and a kiss on my neck

Ray- I love you

Me- I love you too

I started cooking while Ray and Cameron watched Spongebob laughing and talking.

When I was finish cooking I have them both of there plates and had Ray sit between my legs.

Me- baby what style original or dreads

Ray- dreads

I started on Rays fake dreads while I eat , we was now watching Lorax

Me- ok baby it's done

Ray- thanks babe

I took out my phone and went to Instagram nd took a pic with Ray and Cameron "Family Time with the babies 💋💋 #Family #Love @RayTheRealist_"

I put Cameron to sleep and me and Ray had some private time ;) 😉

*weeks later*

Me and the girls went out for the night , just to hang out and have a good time 

Me- Im so lucky to have Ray , he treats me better then all them other niggas 

Dea- yep , Prince can lay it down 

Jas- you talkin bout Prince , lawd Prod body is just heavenly 

Sym- Roc may be the youngest , but he most def is the bi-

Suddenly , her line was cut off with gun shots , I felt fire in my arm and legs , last thing I heard was POW POW , POW POW , POWPOW , POWPOW


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