Its all clear now

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Imani POV

*3 weeks later*

I was in the living room lying down in my own pit of despare ... its quiet around here without my CammyPooh , its too quiet for me ... I feel Ima go insane without my baby here with me , he is all I got in Atlanta besides my best friends and the guys-

*phone rings*

I get my phone and look at the caller ID .... and it reads "Kidnapper" ugh why is Ray calling me

Phone Convo

Me- yes

Ray- well hello beautiful

Me- what do you want Ra-

Ray- no no , what is the proper way to speak to me

Me- *sighs* Hello ... Master

I rolled my eyes , and continued to watch TV until I heard Camerons voice


I then hear a smacking noice and Camerons cries , I got instantly mad


Ray- aw dont worry about it , he is fine

I hung up the phone and stormed upstairs , I took a hot shower to get my mind off things , I got out and got dressed in some sweats , a half shirt and some shoes [ external link ].... I grabbed my car keys and decided to go to the local dance studio , back in Cali , dancing was my only escape , I was gonna go to college full scholarship , but then I got pregnant with my angel .... I use to blame Cameron for ruining my career , but now I realized he saved me

I pulled up to the studio and got out the car , I walked in and headed up to the top floor

I opened the double doors to the huge studio , I saw Prince and hugged him

Me- hey , thanks for coming

Prince- no problem , lets get to work

I sat my doc down and placed my phone on it , I turned on Cameron's favorite song .. Chris Brown ft Aaliyah don't think they know ,  we practiced for hours then it was ready , when I heard the first verse , I just stood there and let the beat take over me , and started hitting it [ video to the side ]

After the song , I just sat there  .... thinking about the past , especially with my baby gone and not with me .

Prince- you ok?

Me- I haven't seen my baby is weeks , what do you think Prince 

Prince- trust me , your gonna get Cameron back , just call Ray and see if he will let you see him 

Me- alright 

I called Ray and he picked up on the first ring

Ray- Hey Gorgeous

Me- Ray , please let me see Cam , I want  to see my baby 

Ray- *sighs* ok meet me at the park on lincoln street 

Me- ok

I got my things and and ran down the stairs and out to my car and got in and drove to the park ..... when I got there he was there with Cameron close by his side , I ran out that car so fast


Cam- MOM !

He runs towards me and I engulfed him into in a hug

Cam- mommy please take me home *whispers*

Me- *whispers* oh baby mommy wish she could oh so much

Ray- ok , you can put him down , now that you've seen him , , we can go now

Me- no , I want to spend time with him

I took Cameron to the swings , I was pushing him while we talked

Cam- mommy , I never meant those things I said , they told me to tell you or they would hurt you and me

I felt really bad for my baby

Me- its ok baby , mommy knows you never meant those things

I looked up to see Ray flirting with a girl , then I got an idea

Me- Cameron , lets go

I grabbed Camerons hand and ran to the car , and put him in and got in and drove as fast as I could

We got to the house and I ran to Camerons room and packed his stuff , after I was done packing I grabbed a month worth clothes for me , my money , phone , and charger

We hopped back into the car and I started driving ...... driving for California

Cam- mommy , where we going

I looked back and then back up front

Me- well Cameron , we're going back home

*12 hrs later*

When I arrived at my mom house ... A sudden feeling came over me .... Happiness

I walked down to the front door and knocked on the door ... And waited there for a while

When it opened , I turned around to see the women I havent seen in almost a year

Me- *smiles* Hey mom 

Mom- oh sweetie *hugs me and cameron* what brings you here ?

Me- oh , some things happened and Ima need you to protect Cameron for me 

I started to tear up 

Mom- oh sweetie , sure I will 

Me- thanks mom , ummm Ima stay here for a month , then Ima leave 

*3weeks later* 

I was here for 3 weeks and I have to say EVERYONE was blowing me up ... the guys , the girls ... and the worse of them all RAY , let me tell you this , he fucking threated me .. he told me if I didnt get back in Atlanta by last week , he was gonna find me and kill me and my family ..... so I just started to ignore everybody .... I did reconnect with an old flame named Jeremy , we had dinner a few times and took Cameron to the beach ..... I can actually say Ima miss LA , since today my last day 

Me- ok baby , remember what mommy told you

Cam- yes , to stay strong , and big boys dont cry 

Me- thats my strong little man , mom all his stuff is in the top drawer 

Mom- alright 

I hopped on the plane , and sat down , trying to figure out how my life got to this point .... As long my baby safe , Im ok 

Imani got Cammy back !! YAAAY ! :)

Whats gonna happen next , you tell me 

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