New Year ... New Problems

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Imani POV

I was at Jasmines house just watching TV ... your probably wondering why Im here... well lets say Me and Ray got into a fight last night .... and he actually put his hands on me

This is how it went down

Me- Ray just fucking admit your still fucking Bria

Ray- man aint nobody fucking that girl

Me- fuck you Ray damn , tell the truth once in your life

I walked away and went upstairs and start packing my bags along with the kids

Ray- where the fuck you think you going

Me- Im going to fucking Jasmine house until you decide to fucking tell me the truth

Ray- you can go but you not taking my damn kids

Me- No my kids are going with me so fuck you

I pushed him causing him to stumble back ... next thing I know is that Im on the floor holding my cheek .. staring up at him 

I wasted no time and got up and slapped the fuck out of him .. He grabbed me by my arms and pinned me to the wall



I got out of his grip and packed all my stuff along with the kids and put them in the car and drove to Jasmines house

End of Flash back

So now im here at her house .. just watching TV til the kids get ready to get out of school

My phone then started ringing 

Me- Hello 

Ray- bae please come home Im sorry for what I did last night I wasnt in my right mind can you come back 

Me- No Ray you already broke a promise by cheating on me .. then you broke another said you would never hurt me and another saying you would never harm me .. what you did last night was the last straw Ray , Im done for real this time 

Ray- oh so now you want to leave me 

Me- yes that sounds like a good idea to me ... I cant continue being in this relationship if it means I will be hurt constantly

Ray- Baby I promise I wont hurt you again 

Me- Ray you say that everytime ... we're through there no more us .. only thing that's between us is Alana and for now it needs to be like that 

I hung up the phone and just put it down letting a tear fall 

I really love Ray but the shit I've been through , I just cant take no more I know Im suppose to fucking be down with him and shit but him being in this damn Gang is fucking dangerous ... And I can't fucking be with him anymore I just need to fucking be by myself be single for a while ... 

-2hrs later-

I was in the car pool lane getting Cameron when I same a familar flame ... I saw Darren picking up this adorable little girl with cute little pig tails ... I was about to get out when I saw Cam running to the car

Me- hey how was school 

Cam- good 

I drove to Jasmine's house in silent until Cameron broke the silence

Cam- mom you look sad 

Me- *fake smiles* Im good baby 

We arrived at Jasmine's house and got out and went in

Cam- why are we at Auntie Jas house 

Me- your to little to know right now Cam 

Cam- ok mom 


Something seems off with my mom ... I'll find out later for sure




Do I feel sorry for what I did ? Yes

Do I know why I did it ? No 

I fucking messed up and Im paying hard for it 

I need my Mani but I just dont know how I will do it ... only one way ......


Imani POV

I was finishing up a few paper work up for me to officially open a clothing store when I got a text from Ray

It read:

               "Ray- Hey , I know Im the last person you want to talk to but I just want to let you know Im doing everything in my power to get you back .. I am madly in love with you and I know you want me to get some help and get away from the gang ..... so I decided I will go into rehab "

When I read that my heart just dropped .... He decided he would get cleaned and leave the gang just to get me back into his arms ... the only thing I can really do is pray this helps him in the future 

Because I just found out Im pregnant . 

- Well that was a way to end a chapter ... and the final chapter at that 

- I truly love ALL my readers 


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