Stormy nights

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Ed's POV~

I woke up to my little flower,Rose, sniffing and pulling on my right arm.

"What's wrong Rose?" I yawned sitting up in my chair from my countless hours of research.

BOOM! She whimpered as the strom throw it's lightning at the soaking wet ground. The thunder roared as if it was trying to tell us something.

"It's okay my little flower...daddy's here to protect you," I got up out of my chair and picked her up gently. I started to cradled my daughter.

BOOM! The storm let out another thundering sound. Rose started to cry scared.

"'s okay," I said calmly rocking her back and forth. I tried my best to calm her down, but nothing worked. 'Her bottle!' I thought as I swiftly walked into the kitchen. I opened the ice box (A/n Elemental_Alchemist: what I just like that word!) and rumged through it to find her bottle.

I warmed up the formula and tested it to see if it was to hot and gave it to Rose.

Rose started to drink it and I smiled as I feed her. I had her small warrm body close to me so I could rock her.

"Rose, my little flower, you always be safe...." I whispered to her kissing her fore head, "Always..."

Rose soon feel asleep and I sat on the couch yawning. 'Maybe I could close.....' Before I could finish my thought I feel on the couch laying down with Rose on my chest.

I heard a little chuckle soon after I fell asleep, "Aw Edward..."

A warm blanket soon cover up me and Rose and I smiled, "Thank you Winry......" I felt Winry kiss my head.

"Good night Ed." She said calmly and she slept in the recliner.

'This most be a blessing. Having a beautiful wife and an amazing daughter.' 

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