My Little Flower

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Edwards POV~

I held my daughter in my arms and tears of joy ran down my cheek.

"Edward, her name is Rose." I heard Winry say as I held Rose.

"Rose," I smiled, "She is going to be a great Alchemist!" I looked at her with hope in my eyes.

She smiled and shook her head,"If you teach her, I'm sure she'll be." She beamed.

I leaned down and kissed her gently. I then handed my only daughter to my love.

Roses eyes where shut and her mother played with her hand. Her face was nice and round and her skin matched mine. I looked at Winry and a smile grew on my face as she talked to the child.

I knew from then on that this, was going to be a happy family.

Two years later-

"Daddy?" A small, sweet little voice called out.

I looked to a tug on my pants to see a small little Rose. I picked her up and placed her on my right leg,"Yes my little flower?"

"Will you tell me a story? Or sing for me! Please!" Her eyes glimmered.

"Sing!?" I shook my head with a smile," Let's leave that for Mommy. But I can tell a mean story." I tickled her and she scream out a giggle. "Would you like to hear one about the time me, mommy, and your uncle where young?"

"Yeah!" She cheered.

"Okay," I smiled and told her the story.

"Daddy?" My daughter asked when I finished telling about the whole milk fight with Winry's grandma.

"Yeah my little flower?" I asked. She just giggled.

"You didn't like milk?" Her eyes twinkled again, "I don't too."

I laughed and Rose looked at me," Well, you better drink if you don't drink it you'll be small forever!" I joked. She wiggled off me and stood in front of me.

"I'm not little! I'm a big girl! And milk is yucky," She stuck out her tongue and winkled her face. I laughed and picked her up and layer on my back. I held her up in air and she laughed. 'Wow, she's just like me in so many ways,' I thought to myself.

"So Rose, what do you want for your birthday?" I asked because today was her second birthday.

She smiled, "To meet an enemy, an alchemy book." She thought for a moment."And a puppy!"

I tickled her again out came a giggle, "Daddy that tickles!"

When I was telling Rose about mine and Alphonses journey, I heard a knock on the door. Before I could react Rose jumped up and opened the door.

"Oh! Well hello Sir!" Rose greeted the figure at the door.

I flinched at the voice that awnsered my daughter, "Well, hello back to you; young Elric. And Happy Brithday."

Rose grabbed the mans hand and lead him in, "Daddy! Roy's here to see you!"

"Hey, FullMetal!" I rose from my seat and bent down to Rose. I put my big hand on her head and smiled.

"Why don't you go find mommy and play?" She nodded and I brushed a piece of her black hair out of her eyes.

"Mommy!?" She cried and ran up the stairs of the house.

"Cute kid you got there. Reminds me of you." Roy said with a smirk on his face.

"She does the same for me." I laughed and offered him a seat. He accepted and sat on the couch I was once on. I walked over to the single seat not far from it and sat. "So," I got comfy,"What brings 'Führer Roy Mustang' to my home?"

"Oh shut up, FullMetal! I came to see how your family has been doing." He smiled and looked at the stairs Rose climbed up. "You taught her any Alchemy?"

"Yes, in fact! Today she asked for an Alchemy book, enemy, and a puppy!" I laughed.

He laughed as well."Well, that's good!" He held out a medium thick, rectangle shaped present; wrapped in bright colored paper and topped with a bow.

I took it with a smile." Rose!? Can you come down here!?" I yelled up the stairs.

A while later I heard a skip down the stairs,"Coming Daddy!" She land at the bottom and walked over to us. "Yes?"

"Roy got you something." I handed her the present and her eyes grew wider.

"For me? Thank you!" She took the present from my hands and began to rip off the paper. Her eyes grew even more when she finished."Look Daddy! It's my very own Alchemy book! I love it!" She hugged it with a smile."Thank you!" She soon turned around and ran back up.

"She's very smart. She also grew so fast." Mustang commented. And it was true.I felt like we would be together forever, but before I knew it.

They where gone.

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