Chapter 9

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Song is the the repersents Edward and Rose


Pictures flashed through my mind. All with the same people. Edward, his wife. And the little girl. And then, I remembered.  

"The little girl named Rose, is me?" I whispered to my self. "Your my father?" I faced Edward with teary eyes," My real father?" 

"Rose?" He smiled with tears in the corner of his eyes. I pulled my wrist and wrapped me in his arms,"I finally found you." He cried out happily and we sank to the ground. 

"My whole life, I was told you where the enemy. That you killed my mom." I sobbed into his shirt. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Dad!" 

He hushed me and rubbed my head," It's okay. It's okay."  

"Brother are you down here!?" Alphonse asked and saw us.  

"I'm sorry for calling you a idiot, Uncle Alphonse!" I got up and hugged him.  

"It's okay Rose!" he hugged me back. 

I smiled, for I was reunited with my family! My true family! 

Little did I know, trouble was about to ruin this happy moment.

Narrator POV~

Back with Envy, he stared at the door in the empty underground home. 

"Where is the little brat at?!" He thought loud. He began to pace back and forth, thinking of what could have happened. "Dammit!" He quickly walked to the phone and clicked three numbers. He put the receiver to his ear. 

"Yes, what is it?" The other line answered. 

"The girl hasn't returned!" He slammed his fist down. 

"Hah, you almost seem worried." 

"Well with out her our plan is ruined! So excuse me for not wanting to make 'Father' mad!" 

"Now, now. I'm sure Father can handle the twist fine. But you better find her quickly." The line ended with a click. He slammed the phone down and snarled. 

He knew that girl is going to get 'Father' mad.

Black Rose POV~  

I listened to my dad talk about Envy and that I need to tell him where Envy was. I wouldn't tell I was afraid to tell him. If Envy killed mom.  

He might get killed to.

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