Chapter 3

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I unfolded the blade in the grass. I flashed it in the remaining light from the sun until it was gone.

"I'm going in." I whispered through my teeth and into the walkie talkie I held.

"Go ahead, just be careful." My fathers deep voice return with some static. I tucked the radio into my pocket and fixed my goggles.

"Well well, what do we got here?"

I jumped at the mysterious voice and looked straight at him and he smiled evilly. He took a step towards me and snickered, "What are you going here?"

I smiled and pulled out the knife, "To kill you of course." I watch to see if he would step back. All he did was laugh and took another step towards me. I stepped back a little.

"Oh,someones scared!" He smirked and was in front of me. "Here is the thing. " He put his hand on my cheek and whispered to me, "I hate teenagers that have a bone to pick with adults like me."

"Huh, w-what do you mean," I studdered. I was shocked. He had his hand on my neck now. "Crap...." I gasped and I took my knife and stuck it in his hand. He screamed in pain.

"Like I said before I'm here to kill you." I stumbled back a couple feet. I saw him turn his right arm into a sword while I tried to catch my breath.

"So, who is going to kill who now?" He snarled and leaped at me. I was too shock to move. His arm pierced my heart.

"That's right. Me." He laughed, holding me in the arm with his blade.

"Go to hell." I hissed with the little energy I had left.

He pulled the sword out of my chest, covered with crimson blood. I fell and lied there, saving my energy.

He bent down and whispered in my ear,"I'll meet you there." I smiled and walked away.

Leaving me for my last breathes. I can't belevive I just lost to this monster.

I jumped straight out bed up gasping. I'm still alive. I got up and grabbed the knife. "I have to have a weapon or I won't be alive for much long." I thought to myself.

I walked in to the main entrance and my father was still sleeping on the couch. I sighed and walked outside.

I pushed back the dumpster and walked into the street. Then all of the sudden a tall robot thing ran into me. I fell over and hit my head hard on the sidewalk. I moaned in pain.

"I'm so sorry miss," He picked me up and stared at me, "Rose-Is that you?"

I snarled, "Name's Black Rose, idiot! And if your so 'sorry,' try walking with out a giant suit of armor on!" I walked away. (A/N by anime_assassins: Again, we wanted to add some humor in...)

"What's up, Al?" I turned around and saw him.

He had golden blonde hair. His eyes are the same shade as his hair. I couldn't stop looking at him ;it was like I met him before.

He saw me and yelled at me, "Hey girl-with the skinny pants- What's your name?"

I jumped as the killer called for me. I turned around and ran toward the black smiths leaving Edward and the big dumbo behind.

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