Chapter 5

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He shook my hand a little while longer and then released," Have a good day." He said and turned to Talie.

I nodded and whispered,"And y-you as well." I left the shop and spotted the armored guy waiting outside.

I gasped as he looked up at me. "Oh! Please forgive for earlier, Miss." He hesitated to get out. I nodded once more and turned to the other direction with my head down. I stuck my left foot out and began to walk away.

'I could have killed him; there and then. I had the weapon, he was right in front of me. Is it true, I'm not a murderer? Or I couldn't do in public?' Questions and more questions popped in my head until I found myself in front of the dumpster; home.

I slide it out of the way and, thankfully, didn't lock the door when I left. I walked in and to where my dad slept.

Or, once slept.

"Where did you go!" He grabbed my face and looked me in the eye. "Did you see anyone- anyone see you? What happened?"

I pulled his hand off and smiled, " I just went to the blacksmiths and saw Talie and Tuskin." I thought of the questions he asked. I can't tell him about Edward, it could put him in danger.

"Something wrong?" He looked down at my worried face.

"No!" I jumped." I was just thinking!" I placed the weapon on the table in the room and walked into the kitchen.

He looked at my weapon and asked, "So you saw him didn't you?"

I jumped and felt a shiver go down my spine. 'How did he know?'

He shook his and said, "I can see it in your eyes."

I rolled my eyes, "Of course you can."

"Did you at least scare him or tell him to watch his back?!" He screamed at me.

"I couldn't tell him dad!!" I screamed at him and bit my lip, "Don't be a bastard!" I covered my mouth and regretted what I just said.

He stared at me with angrier in his eyes, "What did you just called me?!"

I keep quiet. 'What in the hell did I just do?' I felt angrier, fear, and sadness rush through me.

He raised his hand to hit me. He tried to but lowered it to his side, "I'm not going to hit you, I'm better then that." (A/N Anime_assasins: I wanted Envy to have a little emotion. SORRY TO the fans of Envy!- anime_NiNjA: Envy has fans!? jkjk... I still don't like him >_> My onee-san had to get me kidnapped by him two!)

I stared at him and he snarled, " Dammit Black Rose could you at least not act like your a nobody."

I jumped and nodded, "Yes father." I walked away. 'Why did I call him a bastard?'


Later on in that day~

I sat there eating. My father and I haven't talk to each other all day. He has been avoiding me.

I was the first to talk, "What have we become since the whole Edward Elric thing?"

He sat there and put a bite in his mouth, "Drink your milk, Black Rose."

I stared at it giving it the eye, " Not going to happen. I hate milk!"

He smiled, "Fine still be a shrimp, I don't care."

I got up from the table finished and put my dishes in the sink. I wanted answers. So I questioned my father," "Are you and Edward rivals or something?"

He answered, "More like enimeys."

I stood there, "Did you know he had a family too?"

My father's fork fell to his plate, "Oh yes, I knew Winry, his wife, but she was killed also." he scratched his chin.

"Did he kill her and their daughter too?" I asked without thinking.

He snarled, "Keep your nose out of their family dilemmas!"

I flinched and nodded," Yes, father." I walked away from him and into my small room. I jumped onto my bed and landed on the knife in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at more closely.

It was truly beautiful, the way the gem gleamed at anytime. I bet it reminds my father of my mother.

"If only I remembered her more." I flipped onto my back and looked at the ceiling. "I have so much to ask." I held the closed knife near my heart with a sigh, and my eyes drifted me asleep.

Images flowed around me: a forest, a dark figure, a women with blonde hair and a small infant- A baby named Rose.

The blue eyed women span to face the shadow; who held a gun up to her face. She fell to the ground with the child close to her heart. The women cried-but it all came out as muffles. The figure the shadow responded, it as well was unclear.

She yelled out with tears- and the figures response was clear:

"Revenge, Winry Elric! Revenge!" It yelled.

The rest happened faster as it took the baby from the women and shot her.

Shot and killed the mother.

The image ended and soon been back with the shadow in the trees, holding the baby. And it said one thing clearly:

"Your name is Black Rose."

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