Chapter 2

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I stared at him "That monster did he kill her for sure?" 

My father nodded, "Yes." 

I stood up and held the knife, "A life for a life." 

After that I walked away into a dark lighten hallway to my small bedroom. The walls were cement like the rest of the house. My bed was made up of straw and a quilt. It was, again, not much but it was quite comfy. I placed the knife down, skipped and landed on it and wondered off to sleep.

Narrator POV  

But back with Black Rose's so called 'father' this were just getting started with her a rest. 

He grinned, evilly, as each step he took red sparks and bolts traveled up his body. Leave a different body under the last skin he wore. Like a box under wrapping paper, he could be anyone. 

But now, instead of red eyes- like Rose's- they're a purple with snake like pupils. And now his short black hair was a long mop style of dark green sorta color. He was now shorter, younger more like. With new clothes and one thing that really stuck out- a tattoo on his thigh. 

He grinned and laughed quietly so Black Rose won't wake up, "I can trick that girl into anything! I want and get away with it." He started down the hall, "Let's hope nothing goes wrong and she kills Edward."

Ed's POV 

I sighed and stared at my metal right hand. It shined, haunting me with memories coming from the protheses. 

Her smile, her laugh, and it all lead back to our daughter, Rose. That day; the longest day of my life. 

A hand soon landed on my back and I gazed to see it's owner. 

I forced a smile to lighten my face. 

"Can you stop thinking about it, for a little bit?" Alphonse, my younger- and much less good looking brother, smiled back. (A/N from anime_NiNjA: Okay. The whole 'much less good looking brother' part is a joke. I'm just trying to add some laughs in with the depressing part.) 

"I know," I sighed and leaned back into the couch I sat at, letting my golden blond hair cover my face," It's been almost 14 years." 

"I don't mean I feel as bad as you," He shook his head," They were your only family besides me. It's just," he paused as if looking for away to say it," You need to stop living in the past." 

I tried to smile, "I can't. If only I was there I could have.-" 

Alfonse interupeted me, "Stop saying that; it's not your fault."  

I got up and sighed, "I am never going to give up until I find her and kill Envy." I sadly walked away from my brother. 'I'm going to find you Rose- even if he told you to kill me.' I thought to myself.

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