Chapter 7

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"So, let me get this straight." My best friend, Ashton Mustang, dodge out of the way of the kicks. "Your father finally says your ready to get the guy," He threw a punch at me and I flipped out of the way," who kill your mom, and you don't feel like you should do it?" He stood, stoping the training," Even after you got to weapons and it's only your fate!!" He yelled the last part.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to get a drink of water. I bent down while pushing the cold metal button to the drinking fountain. I stuck my face in the water spraying out and then took a sip. " I'm telling you Ash," I wiped the water off my face." I had a dream, I saw the gravestones. There is something with this 'Edward' guy!" I began to pace. "He had a daughter and a wife. They're dead. My father said he knew about it but didn't tell me if Edward killed them or what! My dream had Winry in it! And his daughter, Rose. Rose also is what the big guy with Edward called me! But at the end; the figure had the child and renamed it, my name." I looked off into space, thoughts going through my head.

He sighed and placed his hand on the ground. Lightning bolts appeared as a reaction and traveled to me. The ground under me lifted quickly, throwing me off balance and I ended up on my butt a few feet back.

"What the hell was that for!?"

"I was seeing if it would snap you back into reality." He wiped his hands together and walked over to me. He grabbed my chin gently and made me look him in the eye." It seems to have worked." He smiled.

I slapped his hand away and stood." Way should I be back in reality? It's nothing but war and violence here." I huffed.

"Your father is the only family you have," He looked at me strongly with his brown eyes," you need to make him proud and make sure he won't be sad. He raised you all on his own, and now he thinks you're ready. I think you are two. Well," he switched from a serious voice to a cocky one," if this 'Edward' guy is a better fighter then me then you have double of no chance. You can never beat me and you could never beat a guy like that!" He laughed and I punched in the face.

"Thanks for the lecture, I'll keep it in mind." I waved goodbye and ran away as he rubbed his cheek


An hour later~

I walked down the dark streets of central. Tomorrow was my birthday and I wasn't looking forward to it at all.

I walked down a dark alley that lead me to other street. Soon, I heard a shuffle behind me, someone or something was following me.

I shifted my eyes behind me and saw nothing, I sighed. I've had a long day. I stepped a few feet forward and the figure followed. I turned around quickly and shook with fear.

"Who's there?!" I shouted turning around, meaning to signal I wasn't scared.

"Well, well, well. Look at what we got here." A tall lean man in a ski mask appeared in front me.

I flinched and turned around fast. Before I could react I felt two strong hands wrap around my wrists.

I snarled, "Get your hands off me bastard!"

The man who grabbed my wrist snickered, "Not going to happen, shrimp."

My angrier exploded, "WHAT DID YOU SAY!" I started to fight back.

The tall lean man smiled evilly, walking forward to me. He grabbed my chin and looked me in the eye."We have a keeper," I could smell beer and smoke in his breath. He then pinched my collarbone, "Don't worry kid; you won't remember a thing." He smiled.

I screamed out a cry help, all I could remember was that I blacked out.

Edward POV~

I walked down the streets towards the apartment I was staying in for the time being.

'Tomorrow morning, back to Resembool.' I thought with I smile.

Then all the sudden, I heard a cry for help. "What the-" I looked around for any signs of danger, but saw nothing.

I then heard a man laugh evilly, "She is going to make a good play toy for us!"

I look across the street and saw two figures go into an alley. "They seem to be in a hurry." I whisper and followed them.

I hid behind the wall that lead to the alley. The men talked there.

"So, now do we her passed the cops?" One whispered as they place a girl on the ground.

"We got all the lights out on one side of the streets, but it doesn't mean they're already fixing them." He thought as I looked over to the girl.

My eyes widen as I saw who it was. "Rose?" I whispered.

"Who's there!?" One of men turned around and I walked out from the wall.

"Your worst nightmare." I smiled and put my hands together.

Their eyes widen as hit the ground," THE FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST!?" They grabbed Rose and began to run away.

I smiled eviliy," That's not a good idea!" The reaction traveled across the ground and formed a gaint fist. It went torwards the man with Black Rose and slammed him to the ground by his legs. "Let the girl go. Now!"

He laughed," Why should I, shrimp?"

Now, I was mad." WHO ARE YOU CALLING SMALL!" I yelled and punched the man in the face.

"The sound," I heard a man yell," It came from over here!"

"You want to surrender or do this my way?" I smiled.

"Surrender!?" The standing man said as the other stood; leaving Black Rose on the ground. "Not a chance!"

They both charge towards me and I flipped out of the way, transmuting a room around them. The men broke themselves out of the trap and one came at me. He threw a punch at me, which I smoothly dodged. The other man came over and tripped me from behind, making me let go of one and fall to ground. But before they could react; I grabbed their legs, pulling them down with me.

I swiftly jumped up and placed my hands together. I slammed the ground and made the ground wrap around them, so the only way out was if the police came.

I smiled at my work and the police came into the alley soon after.

"Mr. Elric, sir!" One MP came up to me a saluted,"Thank you for handling these men single handily, sir! I sorry if it cause you any trouble!"

I laughed a little," No, not at all." I smiled and rubbed the back of my neck. "Actually, its been awhile since I had a good fight. But anyway," I walked over to Black Rose and looked at her wounds. "She isn't hurt bad enough to have to go to the hospital. I'll take her home and make sure she's in good hands."

"Yes, sir." The MP turned away and helped the others haul away the troublemakers.

I turned back to Black Rose and sighed. 'Time to help my daughter, finally.'

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