how you met/ asking you out

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Paul: you met him after a concert. You went to a meet and greet. You  saw him and you thinks that he looks cuter without all the makeup. You two start to talk with him and he asked you if you would like to go out with him some time. And you accepted.

Gene: you met Gene at a store. You were about to go and get some candy and you bumped into someone. Before you could hit the ground, Gene grabbed you and helped you back on your feet. He asked you to go for a dinner and a movie that same night. And you said yes

Peter:  You met him at a party. You two talked with each other. He asked you if would like to go out with him, and you gladdly said yes.

Ace: you met him on a concert. You stood in the crowd and he spotted you. A guard took you to his dressing room. He talked with you and asked you out wich you gladdly accepted.

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