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To Lindsey it seemed like he had just gotten into bed, when he felt being gently shaken, as well as he heard a woman's name calling his. He groaned and turned on his other side, knitting his eyebrows, but Kristen repeated for him to wake up again.

"Lindsey, it's time to get up! Our flight is in two hours."

He slowly opened his eyes one by one and looked at her, sighing heavily. Without a word, he went to the bathroom, glancing at the alarm clock on his way, which read 10:19 am, he barely slept. After using the toilet, Lindsey washed his hands and splashed some cold water on his face to try and look more awake.

Kristen seemed ready to go already, dressed up and make up done, but Lindsey slipped under the covers again, making her frown. "What are you trying to tell me?"

"You go, Kristen. I'm staying."

"Excuse me? Did I hear it right?" She stood at the foot of the bed, hands on her hips. 

"Stevie needs me." He simply stated and closed his bloody red eyes. 

"No she doesn't! She told you that loud and clear. Will you ever stop obsessing over this woman?"

"I'm not going to get into any detail, but just so you know, she called me after 5 am, crying and begged me to help her. I drove to her apartment and brought her here with her daughters. She has nobody besides me and I promised to be there for her."

Kristen was boiling mad. She couldn't say she had fallen in love with Lindsey, they just started dating really, but what got her so angry, was that she was over twenty years younger than his ex, who did not even remember him and he still chose the other woman. "Are you absolutely sure you are not getting on that plane with me?"

"Yes. I'll call you when I get back, I don't know when that will be though."

"Where's my ticket?"

"It's in my suitcase." Lindsey replied, already falling back asleep, especially now she quietened down, searching through his things. 

Kristen put the plane ticket into her passport and asked him again. "I'm leaving on my own?"

"Yes, Kristen." 

"Well, then don't bother calling me when you return to California."

Lindsey heard the door slam and he just rolled over and drifted off for another hour or so. When he woke up again, he took a much needed shower, put on the same clothes he threw on the floor, once he returned from Stevie's room, but then decided to change into clean ones and that may have had something to do with seeing Stevie soon.

Stevie had ordered room service and breakfast was just brought for the girls, when she heard knocking again and when she opened the door, she found Lindsey standing in the hallway. She smiled and showed him to come in. 

"So you came..."

"I said I would, didn't I?"

"You've already done so much for me, for us, Linds, I can't ask for more." He froze hearing her call him that and he was sure she didn't realize it. "What's wrong?"

"You... I... nothing." He thought it would be for the best to keep it to himself, but so he didn't seem weird... "I just thought you look beautiful."

"Oh..." Stevie looked down at the floor, smiling shyly. "Thank you." She didn't dwell on it, unsure how to go on either. "Um... do you want something to eat? I'm sure the girls won't eat everything."

"Don't worry about me. Although, if there are leftovers, I'll attend to them." Lindsey said, taking a seat in the living area. "My girlfriend left behind a cup of coffee for me, I'm alright for the moment."

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