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Stevie was washing dishes after breakfast, while Barbara was making tea for them and Lindsey was in the living room with Jess, the twins occupied together. Stevie folded the kitchen cloth after drying her hands and put it away, joining her mother at the table. 

"Thank you, you shouldn't have." Barbara said, but Stevie waved it off. 

"I'm used to it. It's not like the mess I have to attend to once the twins are finished, they're exceptionally well behaved these past two days."

"Those girls are all you, Teedee. Oh, I mean..."

"It's fine, Lindsey mentioned it's how you used to call me. Please, don't feel like you have to treat me any differently, I am your daughter."

"I can't say this is easy... You are my child, but you aren't. It's..."

"It's killing me, honestly. I told Lindsey yesterday, that you clearly love me to pieces and..." Stevie sighed, unsure how to finish her sentence. "And I simply know the fact that you are my mother."

"We'll get there." Barbara smiled, taking Stevie's hand. "One step at a time, but we'll get you back to your old self." 

"I wanted to ask... Obviously I had a house back in California, Lindsey said he could take me there, but I don't know how to enter it, I don't have a key. I thought, maybe you had a spare one or..."

"Christopher has it. I called him earlier, told him you're back, so he said he'll come later. I think he might actually have it with him."

"That's great. I can't just live off Lindsey. The girls and I need a place for ourselves."

"Tell me about them. Were you planning on having children or it was unexpected?"

"I definitely wanted to be a mother, once Dave and I settled in. It wasn't working out as I planned. I thought, well... You have... sex and you get pregnant. It was nowhere as easy as that. I hate the term, but we were trying, for about a year. I got pregnant and I was around three months, when I noticed I was growing already. I'm not the skinniest woman to be showing so early, so I went to my doctor and found out I was going to be a mother to two. I was happy of course, but I was a little scared too. Having one baby is hard, but having too? At forty three? But I had Dave and honestly, he was so supportive, he took great care of me, he helped me so much, especially the last couple of months, when I could hardly get out of bed. He cooked, he assisted me to the bathroom, he held me while I wanted to go for a walk outside..." Stevie spoke, remembering those days and she felt sad. They were happy, truly, she thought she loved him, right up until she found out the whole truth. She sighed and moved on. "We didn't know what we were having, I didn't want to know. When I gave birth to two healthy beautiful girls, I was the happiest woman on earth. I still feel like I am, of course I get mad at them over something they did, but at the end of the day, when Aria is by one side and Mabel by the other, as we watch a movie together or something... It's all worth it. They know when I'm happy, they know when I'm upset and try to do whatever they can to make me feel better. They smile and wrap their arms around me, pressing a kiss to my cheek, tell me they love me and... and I realize they're all I truly need in my life." Barbara wiped the tears that escaped her eyes at the same time as Stevie looked up at her. "Did I... was it something I said?"

"No. No, it's just... I love you exactly the same as you love your girls."

Stevie was left rather speechless, the words she heard breaking her heart. She stood up and went to hug her mother, apologizing for the same thing over and over again, although, Barbara assured it wasn't her fault and the way she spoke about Aria and Mabel caused the emotions to come up to surface.

The rest of the day Stevie spent with Lindsey and her daughters, as he had so many more stories to tell of when they would visit her parents during their younger days. Some of those, of course, he had to leave for later or when the twins gave them a moment alone, because most of his memories, even at Stevie's parent's home, were dirty. They went through a roller coaster of emotions as he spoke and she listened, laughing and sometimes shedding a few tears. 

The whole time Stevie tried to determine what it was that she felt, as Lindsey was reminiscing for the both of them. To her he looked so... so beautiful, so young, as if he wast that twenty something year old again, and happy, mostly happy, recalling the things they experienced together. 

The sun had set once Lindsey finished with a sigh, as he was sitting with Stevie on the swings in the garden. She reached for his hand, cradling it in both of hers. "Thank you for doing this. You're not giving up on me that easily."

"I'm never going to give up on you." He put his arm around her shoulders, drawing her closer. "I love you, Stevie, I really do. I'm so in love with you... You may never remember, you may never fall for me again, but I will always, always love you just as strongly."

"Stay with me tonight." Stevie said, not a hundred percent sure about her offer herself.

"Do you honestly want me to?"

"Yes. I... I would love to cuddle with you again." Lindsey laughed, kissing her temple as she smiled pulling away from him, standing to her feet and he did so too, following her back into the house. 

Aria and Mabel were already tucked in by their grandmother, as she herself and Jess were in bed for the night too. Stevie and Lindsey tip toed to her room and he closed the door, taking her by surprise as he pushed her up against it.

"Oh..." Stevie looked into his eyes, glazed with lust, as she felt his hands grip her sides, before he captured her lips for a breathtaking kiss, that left her wordless. All she could do to respond was wrap her arms around his neck and pull him in for another heated kiss. 

His lips broke apart from hers as he nuzzled her neck, pulling away for long enough that it took to take off her shirt and toss it on the floor. He kissed and licked his way to her cleavage, eliciting soft moans, as she shut her eyes, mouth agape. His fingers worked on the clasp of her bra, to add, masterfully, as it fell down her arms in a matter of seconds. She gasped, then bit on her lip to muffle the sounds that he was drawing out of her, once he started working on her erect breasts. Again. She could hardly stay still, feeling the moistness between her legs growing and fast, as he began leaving kisses, an inch lower every time his lips connected with her skin. They were both anticipating what was to come, as he looked up at her and she down at him, his palms on the backs of her thighs, going up and down, before he pulled her skirt over her hips. He couldn't resist giving her butt a firm squeeze, leaving kisses along the lace at the top of her panties. 

But then... 

"Mommy? Mommy, are you in here? I had a nightmare..." Aria whimpered from the other side of the door. 

"Jesus fucking Christ..." It took all the strength Stevie had in her, not to start screaming at her daughter to disappear right this moment, because Mommy was ridiculously turned on and she was about to get laid. 

"I, umm... yes, baby, I'm here. Just a sec."

Lindsey reluctantly got up on his feet, handing Stevie her shirt. "We can't get a break, can we?"

"I'm sorry." She gave him a kiss, before getting dressed. 

"No, don't be. Poor girl had a bad dream, it's more important for you to be a good mother. We'll get out turn." He smiled, pecking her lips again. "Come in, sweet girl." Lindsey opened the door, letting Aria go inside. "Have a good night, your Mommy will keep all those nightmares away." 

Stevie smiled at him, thinking just what a wonderful father he could be to her girls. Wait, what? She shook herself out of those thoughts and helped Aria into bed.

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