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"No, Kristen, I don't want to see you and that's the end of it!" 

Lindsey cut the conversation short the only we he knew how and he could also explain it to Stevie, who was looking at him confused. "You ended it so abruptly."

"I know. We haven't talked for all this time and out of nowhere she wants to see me, having herself told me that we're over. I want nothing to do with her."

She wasn't exactly buying it, but she really didn't want to get into another fight so quickly, so she let it go. "Are we leaving still?"

"Yeah, of course." Lindsey nodded and locked the door once they were out. "Maybe we should finally have that lunch we never got to go to?"

"We could do that, when the twins get tired of smothering you with kisses that is."

"I've missed them so much." Lindsey said, opening the passenger's door for Stevie. 

"They've missed you too." And then she added, when he got in as well. "I've missed you."

"It was hard not seeing you, especially over something so, you know..."

"Stupid." Stevie finished for him. "This time we spent apart... I'm beginning to think that I've never stopped loving you. I went to bed each night, crying, because you weren't with me. And I honestly don't believe it's possible to develop such strong feelings for someone in such a short time. Even if I didn't know about you, I still had that love for you in my heart."

Fucking hell, Kristen, you don't have any idea how badly you're ruining this for me... Lindsey gulped listening to those words, that's all he ever asked for. He just wanted Stevie to love him unconditionally and there was a very big possibility it would once again be taken away from him.

"I love you so much." He leaned over to her, caressing the side of her face, as he kissed her. "Please, always know that no matter what, I love you."

Lindsey drove them to Stevie's house, they took the girls home and then all four of them, went to a nice place for a meal, it all feeling like a quality family time, until someone had recognized them.

"Oh my God! No way! Stevie Nicks!" A blonde girl, had to be somewhere in her twenties, screeched. "I'm such a huge fan, you're my biggest inspiration to follow my dreams!"

Stevie sat silent, completely in shock. Lindsey took her hand, as Aria and Mabel looked from the fan to their mother, little frowns on their faces. After a moment, Stevie coughed and shrugged her shoulders, smiling at the girl. "Well, I... Thank you. That's very sweet of you to say."

"Can I get your autograph, please? That would make me the happiest person in the world!"

"Sure. Um... is this napkin okay?"

"Of course, yes!" 

Stevie asked for a pen from a waiter passing by, signed the napkin and handed it to the very excited blonde. "Here you go."

"Thank you so much! I can't believe this just happened..." They heard her mutter to herself as she proceeded to walk away.

"Baby, are you okay?" Lindsey put his arm around Stevie, who nodded, taking a sip of water from her glass.

"It's just weird. Did that use to happen often?"

"All the time." 

She sighed heavily, reassuring her girls that everything was fine. They finished eating and Stevie asked if they could just head home, she didn't want anymore encounters like that. 

Stevie kept to herself for the most of the day, writing in her journal or lying in bed, with the TV on. She wasn't used to random people walking up to her, asking for her autographs and confessing their love for what she's done, so even if it wasn't anything serious, it still shook her up quite a bit. 

Lindsey tucked the girls in that night and as he was on his way downstairs, he heard Stevie call his name. "Yeah?"

"I think I'm going to take a pill and go to bed."

"Oh, okay. I'll clean up the kitchen and then come join you."

"Alright." She turned around and went back to the bedroom.

Once Lindsey finished in the kitchen, he headed back upstairs to Stevie. He found her under the covers, with glasses on, watching a movie and he smiled to himself, before she brought him back from his bubble.

"What are you grinning about?"

"You look extremely cute right now."

"Oh, shuttup..." She sank lower, he could only see her eyes, as she blushed. 

"Hey, um... I forgot something at my house, I was going to drive there and get back in no time, okay?"

"Okay. I will probably be sleeping by then though."

"You should rest." He kissed her on the forehead and telling her goodnight, left the room. 

You're digging yourself into a hole... Lindsey jogged down the stairs and got into his car. He pulled out of the driveway and was on his way to Kristen's.

It was after 10 in the evening and he hoped she wasn't sleeping yet, she shouldn't be, he thought as he rang the bell of her apartment. The door opened shortly, Kristen standing in front of him, with her arms folded. 

"What made you change your mind?"

"I couldn't speak then. I wasn't alone."

"Oh, so you're already onto the next one? Wait... it's her, isn't it?"

He chose to ignore the comment. "Can I come in?" She stepped aside and he walked past her inside, not bothering to sit down. "Did you mean what you said?"

"I wasn't going to make that up to get you back, Lindsey. You think too highly of yourself. And I'm eleven weeks."

"I don't want a family with you, Kristen." He said right away. "Stevie and I just got back together and..."

"Hold that thought." She held her hand up. "Who said I wanted a family with you?" 


"You're the father of my baby and I thought you should know. We weren't in love, I don't think it makes sense for us to get together just because everyone would think it's the right thing to do."

"What do you want then?" Relief washed over him, hearing that they were on the same page. 

"Well, I would like it if you were a father to our child. Visit them here, take them for a weekend when they're older, take them on vacation, attend their birthday party... Nothing more. I'm not going to interfere with your wonderful little life with Ms. Perfect."

"I really don't appreciate your attitude."

"Yeah, well I don't care."

Lindsey sighed, already heading towards the door. "So, that's truly all? You don't want me to move in with you or like... marry you?"

"Dear God, no! I had a very clear vision of where you stand with me and what you feel, or don't feel, for me, when we were away on that freaking trip."

"I'm sorry." He wasn't sure he honestly meant that himself.

"I don't need your apologies, Lindsey. Go to her, be happy." Kristen shrugged. "I'll keep you updated, I'll call when I have an ultrasound scheduled if you wanted to go along with me."

"Thank you." He said sincerely, holding onto the door handle. "I'll see you when I see you."

"Yeah." She nodded and closed the door, once he walked out.

Lindsey sat in his car, composing himself so he could drive. It went a lot better than he had thought it would, but still, he had to tell Stevie about this somehow. And the timing could not have been worse...

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