Chapter 8

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My mother smiled gently at me. There was no way she was alive after all this time. This had to be some kind of trick. 

" What are you doing here?" I asked. 
" What do you mean?" she looked surprised now. " I wanted to come and get my daughter back." 

" You're dead," I said. " You can't be well and walking around like this." She shook her head. 

" It's a mistake my dear daughter." 
" Nothing is a mistake!" I shouted. " You died along with Father on that day. I was in the room when the man murdered the both of you!" She then frowned. 

" You were in that room?" she asked. " Why didn't you save us?" I gulped. 

" What could a seven year old girl do?" I whispered. " I could have been killed myself and I couldn't call the police." Mother then started to look angry. Her eyes were turning red. 

" I can't believe that my daughter let me and my husband die," she said. Her voice was starting to get deeper as she talked in hatred. 

" I didn't want you two to die!" I shouted. " I wanted to do something, but I couldn't! I was afraid!" She walked closer to me. 

" You were scared?" she then laughed. " That's the worse excuse I have ever heard in my life. If a daughter can't save her parents, then she should be killed." I don't know what was happening, but mother's body then formed into something greater than hatred. 

" Why don't you come home then?" she asked. I held the bow tightly in my hand and put the arrow on the string. I was ready to aim it at her whenever. 

" Don't point something at your mother," she said. 

" You're not my mother!" I shouted. The arrow left the bow. I then released that the fog had disappeared, but I was still holding the bow. I found the arrow next to Aaron, who was on the ground. He looked terrified of what just happened.

" Aaron!" I ran over to him. He didn't seem injured, but he was sure as hell scared. 

" Where the hell did you get a bow and arrow?!" he shouted. 
" I found it on the ground," I said, being honest about my answer. Aaron sighed. 

" If I had asthma like Bond, then I would be dead right now. I was trying to tell you that they were done with the food. I found you on the ground. You looked like you were talking to yourself," he explained. " Next thing I knew, the arrow was fired and I fell on the ground." 

" I'm sorry," I said. " I didn't mean to do something like that." 

" I'm still confused about what you were doing until you shot the arrow, but I guess I can forgive you." He then stood up and wiped the dust off of him. 

" The food is ready. They had it in boxes, so I'm gonna need your help on this one." I nodded as he walked away. 


Rebecca started eating as soon as I handed her the food. 

" What took you guys so long?" Hope asked. 
" They had to reheat the food," Aaron explained. 

" Did you get the medicine for Mary?" Bond asked. 

" I'll go get some," I said. " There should be some in the nurses's office." Bond nodded as I walked away. We had already told the nurse about Mary and she was okay with us using some medicine. I grabbed the aspirin and left the room. When I first came here, I had seen Mary use some of these even though she was twelve. I don't know the reason for it though. 

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