Chapter 9

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This song is the theme for this story.^


I had ended up in the forest once again. Where that man killed Jimmy. I fell to the ground for a rest. Was Bond right about me being sick? Had I been imagining this man the whole time? But if that was the case, then how did my parents die, along with Ms. Scott and Jimmy?

I became alerted once I heard footsteps stepping on the dry leaves. The man stood above me with a solemn look on his face. I stood up quickly and glared at him.

" You!" I growled. " Haven't you done enough?!" He then looked at me in confusion.

" You killed my parents! Ms. Scott! And Jimmy!" I screamed. " I hope you're happy now!" He continued to stare at me. Nothing changed for him. He didn't even flinch when I screamed. I scoffed and started to walk away. As quickly as it happened, I didn't become aware then he had grabbed me and pulled me the ground. He then smirked.

" So, you really aren't stupid after all," he said. I glared up at him.

" Go to hell," I muttered. He laughed.

" All your friends really think that you're crazy. Why do you even bother to try?"

" I try because I have people who actually care about me. I'm not some abandoned puppet that got left on the ground. I'm wanted for once!" I then heard a click sound. In the man's hand was a gun.

" The police didn't even look into the case. They just questioned some people and then they closed it. They didn't think the couple had a daughter." He ran this thumb over the gun. He was really crazy. He then pointed the gun to my forehead.

" I'm really sorry about this, but I would like to end this soon enough." Since I was on the ground, I was near his private part. I kicked him there and watched as he crumbled to the floor. He released my hand and groaned in pain.

" Why you little," he sneered. I quickly stood up and tried to grab the gun, but he then pushed me to the ground again. He pinned me down.

" You just don't give up don't you?" I spit in his face.

" You should die in hell for all the people that you killed!" His hand swiftly slapped me across the face. His hands then found my neck and squeezed it.

" I warned you didn't I? Your death would have been peaceful with a bullet in the head, but now I have to chock you in order to make sure that you don't tell anyone." I tried to pull his hands away from my neck, but he had a tight grip on it.

" Goodnight," he whispered. A bang sound echoed through the air. The man's hands slowly released my neck and he fell on me. I chocked and pushed him off of me.

" Are you okay?" I turned to see Bond. The gun was tightly clenched in his hands with some smoke coming from the end. He really looked frightened by what just happened.

" I'm fine, but thank you for saving me." He nodded slowly and fell to the ground.

" I-I k-killed s-someone," he stuttered. He looked down at his hands as he started to shake. " I r-really d-did." I sighed and went up to him. He looked up at me with a surprised look on his face. I hugged him tightly, calming him down.

" Thank you," I muttered.


When morning came around, Mary was feeling better and her personality was back. We had a funeral for Jimmy in the afternoon. He was quiet and he thought no one noticed him around, but we all knew him and liked him for who he was.

Afterwards, I was taken to the nurses's office and they checked my blood pressure and everything. I did have some kind of disorder, but they didn't know what it was. They told me that I was gonna be fine, but I would have to take some medication for it.

For this adventure that I had with my friends, I guess you could say that I was an angel trying to get back to heaven.


One more chapter to go. I hope you all enjoyed this one.

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