Chapter 6

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My eyes shot open when someone was tapping me roughly. I looked to see Mary with a worried look on her face.

" Mary? What's wrong?"
" Well, something happened to Ms. Scott." I shot up out of bed.

" What the hell happened?!"
" When I went to go see her this morning she was perfectly fine. Then when I opened the door, she collapsed onto the floor!"
I ran outside, not caring that I was still wearing my tank top and shorts. Mary started to run behind me. All of us are always worried about Ms. Scott, she didn't have the best health around here. I opened the door. She wasn't in her office chair, so the next option was her bedroom. I opened her bedroom door and found her with her hands on her chest. I sighed of relief. I was really worried.

I then started to walk closer to her bed and found something. I wouldn't have noticed it from being at the door frame. There was a bullet in her chest. Blood came out, but it didn't stain her sheets. If she had moved before or if she had her back turned, I would have then seen it. I felt like I wasn't even alive. Her skin looked completely pale.

Mary covered her mouth from shock.

" What... should... we do?" I shook my head. This was too much for me. I thought I had heard my heart snap. A couple of minutes later Aaron, Bond, Rebecca, and Hope had showed up. Like mine, their faces were in shock. Word that gotten out and everyone knows about Ms. Scott and some of them even came to look at the body. Ms. Anne had to drag everyone out before they could damage the body. She needed a funeral right away.

We all went back to our cabins and changed into our black clothing. My hair was in a high ponytail, showing off my forehead. My clothes consisted a long sleeved black shirt and a black skirt that went down to my thighs. I looked in the mirror. My appearance looked solemn. The way my hair was up in a ponytail and my clothing looked ragged. Mary came up behind me and sighed.

" Liliana, we need to get going." I didn't respond to her.

" I'm sorry. If only I didn't leave her." I then turned around and grabbed her collar. Mary flinched in pain.

" How dare you!" I growled. " Why the hell did you leave her?!" Mary tried to avoid tears. I then released her collar. I broke down into her chest. I couldn't handle pain. Does this mean that I'm physically weak? Mary put her hand on my back, trying to comfort me. I then heard a knock on the door. Mary said ' come in.' Bond entered the room wearing his black clothes. I then looked up.

" Are you guys ready to go?" Mary and I nodded.

Ms. Anne and the counselor, Mr. Dean, put Ms. Scott into the ground that they dug up. It then started to rain. It was like the sky was sad as well. We then put flowers on top of her body, one by one, this was like our goodbye. It was then my turn. I set down my red rose on the body. I couldn't help but cry once more. I then left, avoiding to shed anymore tears then I already have.

Afterwards, I sat on the steps once again, thinking over everything that Ms. Scott and I have done. It then hit me. Where on earth has that man been?! He disappeared after I yelled at him. Did he murder Ms. Scott?! I clenched my fists. I wanted to murder him! He took everything away from me. I needed to find him, no matter what.

Once I reached my cabin, I opened the door. Mary and Aaron had been playing cards and looked shock when I slammed open the door.

" What's wrong Liliana?" Aaron asked.

" Where is that bastard that took my family and Ms. Scott away from me!" I shouted. Both Mary and Aaron stood from the bed with worried looks on their faces.
" Whoa, calm down. Liliana, what happened," Aaron said while he held his hands up. I probably looked upset, because he hardly did that. 

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