chapter 2

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         I sat waiting for class to start. It was almost time. Suddenly, the most annoying girl in the orphanage, Chloe walked towards me and smirked. 

"Why are you all alone here Lili?"

"Don't call me that." Chloe continued to smirk. I just wanted to slap that smirk right off her face. Before I could the others came in the classroom and immediately went by my side when they saw Chloe. 

"Leave her alone, Chloe," Aaron said. 

"Why? She is a freak isn't she? I'm surprised that you guys are actually friends with her, even if she saw her parents get murdered and didn't do a thing." I flinched.

"That was a long time ago, and your parents were killed as well in prison. It isn't right to pick on someone even though you went through the same thing," Hope said. Chloe scoffed and left us alone. 

"She's annoying," I muttered though they heard me clearly. Mary smiled. 

"Don't let her get you so down, it's not like you." I rolled my eyes, I know she was trying to make me feel better,but it wasn't working at all.

The teacher, Ms.Blue, came in and everyone sat down, ready for class to start. Mary took her seat next to me and looked at me with a worried look on her face. I smiled.

"I'm fine," I whispered. She then left me alone until class ended.

Here in the orphanage we only have one class from morning until evening and then we go back to our rooms and sleep. Unlike regular schools who have homework every night, we don't. While the younger ones sleep, the ages 10-17 are allowed to stay up late, but we also have a curfew.  Aaron, Mary, Rebecca, Hope, and I sat down by the cafe eating some ice cream. 

"I feel bad for the little ones," Mary said.

"Because, they don't get to join us for ice cream and lots of fun things." Mary was the kind of person to feel bad for other people, yet treat her best friends bad sometimes, like throwing water on me most days. Aaron put his hand on her shoulder.

"Don't feel bad Mary, they're kids, they need their rest."

'You say that, but we technically still kids," I muttered. Aaron rolled his eyes and continued to comfort Mary. I looked around and noticed Chloe and her friends talking. Chloe then looked at me and smiled. She came over here and stood in front of me.

"What do you want Chloe?" Bond asked.

"You just seemed to be liking your ice cream over here." We couldn't really do anything to Chloe considering that she'll older than the six of us combined, which makes his sixteen.

"It's immature of you to be messing with a thirteen year old girl," I said. Chloe shrugged. 

"You're annoying and you're little crew too." Annoying crew?!

This started to piss me off. 

"Shut up!" 
She still continued to smile irritating me in the easiest way possible. Before I could grab her, Aaron held me back so that I couldn't.  He held my arms back while Chloe and her friends laughed at my embarrassment. 

"Let me go Aaron!" 
"I can't or she'll report you to Ms. Scott!" I growled. 

" How about you listen to your boyfriend here and leave me alone."
"Leave you alone?! You came to us!" Chloe left without another word, while all her friends left one stayed behind, Sally. Unlike Chloe's other friends, she was the nicest and helped me every way she could to stop Chloe from bullying me. Sally was beautiful, she had her brown hair in a ponytail and her green eyes framed her beauty. She wore a pink and blue crop top and shorts. She was more like a rebel, but a nice....rebel...? (Is that even possible?)

"I'm sorry for Chloe's attitude.''

"What's wrong with her today? She more idiotic than usual?" Rebecca asked."

Sally shrugged. " She's just in a bad mood today and she thinks that bullying you would help her mood, and she looks like she better now," Sally explained. 

"Yea, but it's still idiotic and stupid," I muttered.

Sally put her hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry Lili, she's come back someday.." 
"SALLY!!" I heard a piercing scream that made all of us flinch( or Bond just fell to the ground and covered his ears).

"Duty calls, bye!" Sally ran back to Chloe and the rest, leaving the six of us standing here watching them leave and bully other kids. 

"Lili? Are you okay? You still seem shaken up a bit?" Mary asked.

"I'm fine Mary, anyway, we still have some hours left before we should hit the sack," I said while stretching. "What should we do?" 

"How about a board game, back at our rooms," Aaron suggested. 

"Alright!" The six of us ran to Aaron and Bond's room. Those as I ran it felt like someone was watching me.

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