Chapter 3

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"And that is how you do this problem,"  Ms. Anne said. This is the only teacher in the whole school, even though there are other teachers. I sat with my hand on my cheek looking bored.  I was shivering. Yet again, Mary had poured cold water onto me to wake me up.  I like that she is trying to wake me up in time for class, but I still can't stand it. 

" Now, you will work in groups to finish your class work. Your homework will be the word problems." she explained as the class groaned, though she just smiled and turned her back to the board. 

Mary and I started to work on our classwork. Though, me being a slacker, I hated to work.

"Come on Liliana, you could do it," Mary cheered me on.  I groaned and put my head on the desk. 

"But this is so boring, I really hate work," I complained. Mary sighed and started to write. She didn't bother to tell me to suck it up and start working. I turned my head to look at the other students. Some were either working or were talking about  stuff unrelated to the assignment. Ms. Anne  caught them and told them to start working, though she didn't see me.  I then looked out the window.  Snow was falling lightly onto the ground. It was Christmas, I didn't want any stupid homework or let alone school on Christmas Day. 

"The faster you get this done, you'll have time to do your homework and you won't have any, Liliana," Mary said.

" Yea, but you know today is right Mary? We shouldn't have any homework or school," I complained like I was a five year old.  Mary shook her head in disappointment. 

"You act like a kid sometimes, I think in regular schools they have work and school on Christmas." My mouth was open but I couldn't speak, only weird noises came from my mouth.  Mary looked at me.

"Huh? Is that not right?" I shook my head.

"You're completely wrong!" I shouted. 
"Mary and Liliana! Please finish your class assignment!" Ms. Anne shouted across the classroom. Mary and I then did our work and finished it til the end of class and didn't speak neither. 

After class the six of us headed to the cafe. They said that they would be serving us kids something special. For once in my life, I was excited for what they had in stored for us. Was it gonna be cake and ice cream like how my mother used to serve me when I was a kid. 

My eyes widened and I stopped in my tracks. Why was I sudden just thinking of my family so free-willed like that? Is it because I'm starting to forget the memories that we shared together?  I started to shake my head. No, I can't forget them and their gruesome death! I just can't! 

"Hey Liliana! We're going in! Come on!" Rebecca called. 

"Huh? Oh yea! Coming!"  I ran towards them, entering the cafe. 

The cafe was decorated with red and green. It reminded me of the time when I first came here, Christmas. Mary then grabbed my hand. 

"Come on! I smell cookies and they're freshly baked!" She dragged us to the line of kids, waiting for their share of the food. Mary was literally bouncing up and down for the good food. Bond had to put his hands on her shoulders to calm her down a bit, which didn't help the situation at all. Rebecca chuckled. 

"You're really excited about this huh, Mary?" Mary nodded eagerly. 

"And besides, it's the day Liliana came to us!" 
"That's right, Liliana came on Christmas," Hope said. " I remember the first time she tried one of these cookies, her eyes almost came out of her head." I smiled shyly, blushing a little. 

"Well, when you say it like that, I couldn't really help myself." Aaron put his hand on my shoulder.

"It's nothing to be sorry about." I couldn't help but smile. I was really glad that they were my best friends. Once we got our food and cookies, we all started to eat them and laugh. They were better than the last time I had them.  Though, the fun times had to end. We all then headed to our cabins to get a good night sleep. 

As I walked with Mary I stopped. I was positive that I had heard an extra step that wasn't mine nor Mary's. 

"Hey, Mary did you hear that?" 

"Huh? Hear what?"
"There was an extra step and I'm sure it wasn't neither of ours." Mary looked at me with concerned eyes. 

"Liliana, are you sure you're not just hiked up on sugar or something?" I glared at her.

"I'm positive and you're the one with would be hiked up on sugar." Mary shrugged and continued to walk ahead of me.  I looked behind me to make sure that no one was following us. I then saw a shadow. It wasn't an animal, it was a person's shadow. What the hell was going on here?!  In this orphanage the office closes at a certain time, which was 5:00 for anyone who wanted to adopt a kid. No one had been out looking for the office after hours, even so then they would call the office and leave a message. The shadow didn't look like a women, but a tall man. Like the one who took my parents away from me.  

I was about to run and follow this person, but I felt Mary grab my shoulder. Her grip was tight and it seemed like she wanted to go to bed. Her eyes had bags underneath them.

"Can we please go to bed Liliana. I'm tired," she complained like a little kid. I sighed and followed her.  Whoever that person was can wait until tomorrow and I can tell Ms. Scott too. 

OrphansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora