chapter 1

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"Liliana wake up or Ms. Scott will get angry with you!" I opened my eyes and groaned as the sun shined in my eyes. 

"Mary was it nessary to wake me up?" She nodded. When I arrived at this oprhangance when I was about six years old I wasn't happy about sharing a cabin with people I didn't know, but now it wasn't  so bad. Mary smiled. 

"Like I said Ms. Scott would get angry at you." 
"It doesn't matter, I may be thirteen, but I could still have a heart attack." Mary just kept smiling and didn't bother about my pain. She then threw my clothes at me. 

"Get dressed, Rebecca and the others are waiting for us." 
"Whatever." I slipped on my tank top and my shorts, not even bothering to check my hair which I was positive that it was messy, like a lion's maine. Mary dragged me outside to the cafeteria. Lots of kids were already waiting in line for their food. Rebecca along with our other friends Bond, Aaron, Hope were waiting for us in line.  Rebecca saw us and waved her hand in the air. 

"You guys are late," Hope scowled. 

"Well, it was Liliana's fault since she slept in," Mary said.

"Damn you Mary," I said, though she only smiled. I swear that girl is happy all the time. After we got our food, we sat at our usual table which was near the end of the cafeiteria. Without waiting, Rebecca jumped right into her food, not leaving behind even a crumb. 

"Someone is hungry," Bond joked. 

"Shut it Bond." 

"And besides, you're not suppose to say that to a lady Bond,'' Aaron said. " Girls are scary."  All of us laughed. You can always count on Mary and Aaron to lighten the mood when times are tough. Hope isn't much of a comedian and Rebecca is the same way. What I find weird, is that their hair color represents their personalities a bit. Rebecca had black hair, Hope had red hair, Aaron and Mary both had dirty blond hair, while Bond and I had brown hair. 

I laughed a little. When I first came to this orphangance, everyone was picking on me because I was a newbe. Until I met Mary and the others I hated my life after my parent's death. I then felt a hand on my shoulder. 
"Hey Liliana are you okay?" Mary asked. I nodded. I was getting a bit light headed though. 

"Hey, I'll be in class. Come when you're ready."

"Aren't you going for seconds?" Aaron asked. "Plus class doesn't start for another ten mintues." 

"Well, I'm still going, Ms. Scott will get angry and tell Sister Mari." I didn't want for them to answer and headed for my class.

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