Chapter 10

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Picture is Kyle

I must admit that my fighting skills were a tad rusty. I haven't fought a group of wolves this large for quite awhile. Every now and then I will encounter a lone wolf in the woods and handle them like a Hunter should, but the last time I fought a group of more than 5 wolves was when Tanner died. We haven't had many problems with nearby packs since then.

Nick and I finished the wolves off fairly quickly, not as fast as I would have liked but fast enough that I made it home around the time school usually ends.

The house was unusually quiet when I entered through the back door, nervous to use the front door in fear of being hit in the face with another glass object.

"Hello?" I call out. Surely one of the 10 people I live with are home and can here me. Nick walks in through the door behind me and I reconsider what I previously thought. Well, surely one of the 9 other people I live with are home and can hear me.

"Mom and Dad took Marrisa, Harry and Rory to Uncle Wally's for the weekend." Nick says, brushing by me and up the stairs to his bedroom.

"Don't forget to wash the blood off of your knives," I nonchalantly say to Nick before he turns the corner and into the hallway. I sigh and hit my head against the wall I am next to a little too hard. My life is so screwed up.

I decide it was time to face the demon that lived inside my house and walk up the stairs and straight into Kyle's room without knocking. He is sitting on his bed in only his grey, low pocketed sweatpants throwing his throwing knives at the painted target on his wall with pinpoint accuracy.

I close his door and walk in front of his target and lean my back against the wall. Of course me being in his throwing path doesn't stop him from chucking his knives, narrowly missing my body.

"Kyle, enough. Stop being an ass," I say. My brother slowly meets my gaze and rolls his eyes. "If you're gonna act stupid, find somewhere else to live. Don't ruin mom and dad's lives because you are unhappy with yours," I spit and fold my arms across my chest. Clearly I hit a soft spot, because Kyle gets up stalks over to me with a faked laugh. He mocks my posture and says something that almost made me rip his head off.

"Me, stupid?" he says and points to himself, raising his eyebrows. "Oh, please Jade. The only one being stupid here is you," he scoffs. Now it's my turn to raise my eyebrows questioningly. I'm honestly starting to think he's high or something. He goes on with his rant, "I mean, you are the one banging an Alpha wolf, am I right?"

Did I hear him right? How the hell does he know about Jace?! And I am not banging him. I mean, yeah, he is really, really good looking and any girl would be lucky to be with him... Wait, no. Scratch that. I cannot let the mate bond control how I think.

"I am not banging him, Kyle! Have you lost your mind?" My voice is steadily rising, probably sparking the interest of Isabelle or one of the boys. That is if they are home, of course. But seriously, Kyle should know that my hatred for werewolves is sky high. There is no acceptance for Jace.

"So you admit that you are involved in some way, which I prefer that you don't specify, with a werewolf?" Kyle asks, looking at me in shock.

"Yes, but I am going to stop all conta...,"

"I knew it! I freaking knew it!"

"But how?!" I shout and throw my hands out from their folded position.

"I followed you to the park that one day when you were upset, but that's not the point. Just wait until dad finds out about this. He will finally be up your ass and not mine," Kyle grabs my shoulders and shakes me before throwing himself on his bed. He is acting like a child on Christmas.

"Kyle," I say, seriously. "You cannot tell dad. You know what he will do. And do you really want to see you baby sister hurt and crying?" I pout and stick my bottom lip out, making the well known 'puppy' face.

"Jade, don't do that," Kyle starts. He can never win when I make that face. Actually, he never wins when he is arguing with me. I don't even need to try.

"Guys!" My head, along with Kyle's turn to looks at his bedroom door. Izzy is standing there, looking panicked. Her right hand is covering her neck. I see blood seeping through the spaces in between her fingers and start running toward her, completely forgetting that she and I are in a fight. "I need some help," she says before I reach her. She removes her hand from her neck, showing Kyle and I the source of the bleeding. I halt midstep and stare at her neck. What I see can only be explained as four punture holes in her neck, bleeding slighty. The holes take the shape of a bite mark, one from a... Shit.

I already know what this Mark is and where it is from, but I can't stop myself from screaming, "What the hell is that!?"

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