A little ride

18 2 0

Beep beep beep

I woke up to the sound of my stupid alarm squawking like a friggen parrot on a crisp Tuesday morning.

I quickly search for my alarm, my eyes still remaining closed, with no luck. I make the drastic decision to open my eyes and look for the squawking parrot.

I finally lay my eyes on the contraption and shut it off with a quick press of a button.

If only people were that easy to shut up.

On cue, I hear my mother yelling at my father for some unknown reason.

I contemplate pretending to be sick but then I'm reminded I would have to hear my father yell all day. No thanks.

The yelling persists and I decided it would be a good time to have a shower with some blaring music!!

I slip out of my plaid blue coloured comforter and place my feet onto the cold wooden floor. Emphasize cold.

As I raise myself up off the bed I manage to knock my knee on my dresser which holds my blasted alarm clock.

"Son of a bitch." I mutter.

I make my way to my bathroom and turn on my music and start the shower.

When I finished my shower I took my shirt off the floor... Well... My boyfriend's shirt from one of his many visits and throw it in the hamper in my room.

I look threw my closet of my blue coloured room in search of the perfect outfit... Well, just not the worst outfit.

I settle on a pair of white ripped jeans and a black flowing top, paired with an infinity shaped ring my boyfriend, Trevor, had got me to apologize for yelling at me.

Trevor was an okay boyfriend, he would drink and party a lot and occasionally smoked weed at those parties. He would usually drag me along and pretty much make me be the one who drives him home because God knows he's not sober coming out of those parties.

For the most part he's nice, for the rest of the time he can be cruel. Not physically.

But words hurt like knives sometimes.

As I walked downstairs, I noticed the sound level dropped dramatically.

I peer into the kitchen to find my dad sitting at the kitchen table with his hands covering his eyes and his elbow propped up onto the table.

I didn't bother to say anything. I usually didn't when he was like this, as it would usually resort in him getting mad and taking it out on me, and I didn't feel like dealing with his words today.

I quickly popped two pieces of toast in the toaster, in a matter of minutes the toast pops out of the toaster and I take it out and set it on a plate. I proceed to set some peanut butter on my freshly grilled bread and continued to stuff it in my mouth.

I grab an apple from the counter and rinse it under the tap. I then decide to try and get on my dad's good side and place the apple on the table for him.

He looks up at me and raises his eyebrows expecting an explanation.

"You've got to eat." I explained trying to sound the least bit anxious, waiting for his temper to bust.

He glares at me.

Oh crap.

"I don't need you coddling me like I'm some fucking baby!" He yells getting up from his chair. "I don't need your help and don't you dare think for a second you're 'above' me and need to 'feed' me! I can manage on my fucking own!" He finishes.

I was about to say another word when I get a hand flown to my head with a slap.

"Get that threw your fucking head!" He says before walking off to his bedroom.

My head booms with pain and my hand goes cautiously to touch the sore spot created on my head.

I wince at the pain but manage to collect myself.

I quickly grab my bag and hurry off to the bus stop.

As I'm about teen feet away from my bus stop, I notice the yellow vehicle pulling off.

Are you kidding me right now?

"Wait!" I call trying to run after it, but it's too late. The bus is now gone and so is my stamina. There's only so fast a girl can run in converses.

I stick my black earbuds into my ears and decide to start walking.

I'm in the middle of a chorus to one of my favourite songs when I black camero slows down beside me. Yes a friggen camero!

The driver is a young man, probably around 17, my age, and oh good Lord this dude must be a Calvin Klein model because... Ugh!

The driver motions for me to take my earphones out.

What does he want?

I take out one of my earbuds and listen to what he has to say.

"You need a ride?" He asks.

"Who's asking?" I retort.

I'm not going to hop into a car with a guy no matter how deliciously hot he is.

"My name is Carter Ways. I moved here last month and I've seen you around."
Totally not creepy.
He must have noticed my look of 'creeped out' because he quickly corrects himself.

"I mean, you go to Bridgeview high right? That's my school."
He explains.

I simply nod as a response.

"So do you need a ride or would you rather walk?" He asks with a smirk perking the edges of his mouth. His mouth. As I creepily examined his mouth... I noticed something shinny. A lip piercing!

He notices my staring and fiddles with his piercing.

I snap out of my thoughts.

What was I going to do? Go home and ask my dad for a ride? Yeah right.

"Uh... Sure?" I look at him quizzically.

With that I open the door and step into his awesome car.

"Let's go." I say.

He looks at me. Perhaps a second too long... And then proceeds to speed off.

[author's note]
Thank you guys so much for reading!
I wrote this book at the beginning of the year in my notebook but haven't finished it, so now I'm kind of just tweaking it and I plan on finishing it!

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