I need that getaway

16 3 4

When Carter drops me off at my bus stop, I begin walking towards my 'home'.

I quickly arrive at my house. With a slow push to the front door the door makes a small creek. I curse under my breath because now my dad knows I'm home. Great.

As I enter, I realize the kitchen is empty. I check the living room. Empty. I check the deck. Empty. I slowly make my way up the creeping stairs and head to my parent's bedroom. Empty.

I presume he's out drinking... Again.

I take my backpack to my room and decide to start homework. I still didn't do yesterday's homework so I guess I better start. Better late than never, right?

I take out a pair of grey sweatpants and a long sleeved navy blue shirt. I continue to put on the beautiful, classy outfit.

I decide it's time to work. I take out my calculus book and my notebook.

Friggen calculus.

It's now four in the afternoon. I've been doing work for this long? I finished off my homework an hour ago but I've been studying for my science test since three.

Such a good kid...

Beep beep.
I hear my phone buzz from my pocket and hesitate to look at the screen.

What if my parents found out I didn't go to school?

I swallow my fear and look at my now silent phone. It's a text... From my mom.

'Just letting you know I'm running late for work. I will be back tomorrow morning.'

I let out the breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding.

I decide that I need to eat since I haven't eaten since noon. My stomach sure reminds me with a loud rumble.

"Hush, you're just bored." I tell my stomach while pointing an accusing index finger to it.

Ignoring the short speech I'd just given my stomach, I proceed to walk downstairs and off the kitchen.

When I arrive in the kitchen i decided I'm going to make a grill cheese. I take the loaf of bread out of the pantry and grab the cheese and butter out of the fridge. I walk my way over to the stove and turn the stove on to medium heat and put a frying pan on the heating surface. I prepare my girl cheese.

In a matter of minutes of flipping and re-flipping my grill cheese it's finally ready.

I grab myself a glass of orange juice and put my diner on a plastic plate and head for the couch.

Nothing like a quite night with just me, grill cheese and Netflix.

I woof down my grill cheese in a matter of seconds. I prepare Netflix. Just when I'm about to  press play on my favourite tv show I hear a knock on the door.

I walk over to the door and open it, expecting to see a hammered father. Instead I see a bruised up Trevor standing on my front porch dressed in a black v-neck shirt and a pair of ripped jeans.

I look him up and down and meet his gaze. He's wearing a smirk on his face.

"Why are you here?" I wonder.

His smirk suddenly drops and his features now hold a scowl.

"Don't talk to me like that." He scowls me.

I shrink back at his sudden change of mood.

He must of noticed it because he softens his tone when he continues, "I came here to cash the rain check you gave me earlier." He says with a wink.

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