Did you just kidnap me?

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I wake up to the smell of sweat and cologne.
Carter's cologne.

I look around to see that I am, in fact, in Carter's car.
As I look around I feel a throbbing pain in my head.

Oh yeah, I got slapped and punched today.

I continue to look around and spot that we are parked at a convenience store.

I quickly see Carter walk out of the convenience store with a bag of ice in one hand and a box of bandages in the other.

Am I bleeding?

I quickly stroke the area of my head where the pain is emoting from and sure enough in bleeding slightly.

I hear the door click open and Carter steps into the car and plops himself on the driver's seat.

First thing that came to mind was...

"Did you just kidnap me?"

A slight smirk emits from his face and his paradise blue eyes eye the sore spot on my head. He chuckles slightly.

"No. You were caught in the crossfire of me and Trevor and got knocked out by Trevor accidentally." He explains.

"Why am I here?" Is my next question.

"Well, we couldn't exactly call the ambulance or the cops because Trevor could be charged with assault and maybe domestic violence. We also couldn't exactly leave you bleeding on the ground..." My eyes widen at his statement.
"Oh! Don't worry you weren't bleeding out. Just, when you fell to the ground you hit your head on the pavement and got a little... Scratched up."

I just stare at him, trying to remember the whole situation. I then remember we were at school.

"What about my attendance?? I'll be marked late and my dad... My dad will be so pissed." I say remembering what happened this morning... And that was just by giving him an apple. My hand goes to feel the spot where he had slapped me.

"Oh don't worry." He starts. "I told the lady at the front desk that you got your period and had to go get Advil and... Tampons... Oh! And chocolate! She seemed to believe me." He states.

My eyes widen at his statement. Great now the lady at the front desk thinks I'm on my period.

"Here," Carter says while pulling me slightly closer. In one swift movement he inboxes the bandage and starts to bandage up my head.

As he was bandaging up my head I looked into his eyes; his paradise blue eyes. They seemed so kind and gently yet slightly dangerous. He swipes his dark hair out of his face and proceeds to bandage my head with caution not to hurt me.

While he was doing that, I took the opportunity to look at him. I'm so creepy. I found his funny how he would bite his lip every once and a while and fiddle with his lip ring.
He seemed so... Focused.

The moment seemed to last forever but quickly ended.

"You're all set." He declares with a big smile on his face. He was so proud of his work.
"Just keep this ice on your head and it will help with the pain and swelling." He directs.

"Thanks." I simply say with a smile etching itself onto my features.

He quickly grabs a pen from the desktop and grabs my arm. What? He quickly scribbles numbers on my forearm and writes Carter underneath the set of numbers.

"Here's my phone number..." He explains. "Call me if you need anything, even a getaway car." He jokes which rewards him with a slight giggle on my behalf.

"Do you want to go back to school or home? If you want to go home I can tell the secretary your cramps were too bad for you to function?" He suggest with a chuckle.

"Um... You can drop me off at my bus stop... I don't know how my dad would react if some random boy dropped me off." I say.

"Fair enough." He smiles.

As he started the car and drove off, I would secretly catch him looking at me; and when he wasn't looking at me, it was me looking at him.

I sound like a complete loon.

[author's note]
Thank you guys so much for reading!! I promise the next chapter will be a little more intense!!

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