What happens in Vegas...

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The drive in total to Las Vegas was 5 hours. I didn't notice how much the time had passed until I had awoken from my slumber... Well my nap- and Carter said we are only an hour away from Las Vegas.

This was our first 'stop'. Tomorrow we will driving 6 friggen hours to California.

12 hours isn't far enough from what awaits me back 'home'.

Just thinking about everything that had happened in the past 2 days makes me shudder.

I'm quickly snapped out of my thoughts when I see a passing sign saying "welcome to Vegas!".

I turn over to see Carter smiling knowing I had noticed where we now are.

"How much longer 'till we get to the hotel?" I question him.

"About 10 minutes." He keeps his gaze on the road but he directs his words towards me.

I'm so glad to be here.
To be away.
From them.

I'm still surprised that Carter said yes. He barely knows me... I barely know him.

"Carter..." I start waiting for a reply.

"Yes?" He urges me to continue.

"You do realize we are practically strangers right?" I question, anxiety racing threw my body at each thought.
"You could be a serial killer for all I know!" I say finally coming to the realization.
"You are driving almost 800 miles for a complete stranger!" I tell him although with my exasperated look he still seems contain his laughs threatening to be let out.

He finally bursts out into a fit of chuckles.

Yep he's a psychopath.

As he manages to regain his composure he begins to speak.

"Okay, first of all we are not complete strangers." He states with a 'duh' look on his face.
Confused, I will him to go on.

"Okay, then what's my name?" He asks nonchalantly.

"Carter Ways." I reply simply.

"And you're Trinity. See? We aren't complete strangers. Plus I should be more suspicious of you, I don't know you're last name, for all I know you could be the serial killer!" He jokes letting out a small chuckle.

His humour seems to put me at ease as I relax more in my seat.

"I'm not a serial killer. Just... FYI..." I state.

His chest rumbles which is what I assume to be a held back laugh.

We pull into a big parking lot of a very tall building. It's like a skyscraper!

We park in one of the parking spaces. "We're here." Carter says while unbuckling his seat belt and stepping out of the car. I follow his lead and do the same.

I stand outside the vehicle and wait for him to take the bag out of the back seat. Wait. Bag?

"Why do you have a bag?" I ask him eyeing his bag.

"I always have a bag prepared if ever my father decides to kick me out, usually if he's with one of his one-night stands, or if he throws a party with his colleagues and it gets too loud to sleep." He explains, a humours smile etching his feature but I can tell a different emotion is behind it. Sadness?

"Oh." Is all I have to say. I didn't know his life was like that. I had no idea.

"What does your dad do?" I ask, maybe trying to direct the conversation elsewhere.

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