Pushing buttons

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We quickly found two robes in the hotel room and put them on and hurried outside.

There was lots of commotion outside when we arrived. Most of the people were in their pyjamas and looked really pissed.

A fireman near the doors to the hotel holds his hand up to silence all the commotion.

Doesn't work.

The fireman finally clears his throat very loudly and everyone is silenced and facing towards the fireman, awaiting an explanation for what the hell is going on.

"Hello everybody," He starts "we apologize for the inconvenience, we also apologize for waking you up at such a time. It seems that someone has pulled the fire alarm."

I hear a group of boys next to me exhale and look at each other.

I almost wanted to point them out for ruining what was happening with Carter.

Maybe this was a sign?

Maybe this is too fast?

What if he turns out like Trevor? I mean Trevor was nice in the beginning too... He would bring me flowers and always hug me from behind. But all of that changed when I started to have more guy friends. Will Carter get jealous like Trevor? Will he... Hit me?

Maybe he thinks I'm a whore?

Maybe I am a whore? I mean I was about to sleep with a guy I've only known for about two days or so...
I went on an impromptu road trip with an almost complete stranger.

That's it, I'm insane.

He probably thinks I'm easy.

Will he take advantage of me?

All of these questions were pilling up in my head; each one a brick forming a wall in between reality and I.

All of these questions were spiralling around my head that I hadn't noticed the crowd diminish. Carter begins to wave in front of my face breaking me out of my thoughts.

"You okay?" He asks.

"Uh, yeah... Just tired." I say flatly still starring at nothing, thinking about... Everything.

We follow the crowd and head up to our room.

As we enter our room I look around at the scene that places itself in front of us.

Our clothes are scattered across the floor and the bed is a mess; sheets and comforters everywhere.

I walk over to the bed and start making it. Carter comes up behind me and puts both hands of my waist, placing his face in the crook of my neck.

I unconsciously stiffen and I know Carter felt that. I feel his face move from the crook of my neck.

"You okay?" He asks yet again.

"Um yeah, I uh.. I'm just tired" I say for the second time tonight, plastering on a the best fake smile I can muster.

Trinity, what have you gotten yourself into?

I woke up to the sound of rustling sheets and a weight being lifted off the bed. My eyes flutter open to see Carter getting out of bed.

Probably has to pee or something. I thought to myself.

I felt my eyes begin to get heavy and Im engulfed by the dark of sleep.

I woke up.


This time, to the sound of a door handle being open.

The front door.

Is someone robbing us?

Are we getting kicked out?

All these questions were circling through my head that I didn't notice that it was in fact Carter who stepped in.

He looked up at me and a smile grew on his face.

"Oh you're awake." He chirped happily.
Too happily for a morning.

"Why are you up so early?" I exaggerate.

"I thought we could get some breakfast!" He suggests.

I slowly drag myself out of bed and drag the comforter with me like a child I am.

Carter gives me a funny expression which insists on why am I bringing the comforter with me.

"I'm cold." I say in a "duh" tone.

He takes the comforter away from me and I frown at my now bare body... Okay let me rephrase that; I am clothed with pyjamas that I put on before falling asleep, I just don't have the comfort and warmth of the comforter.

Yeah that's what I meant.

He makes his way over to the coat rack and grabs a sweater.

His sweater.

Trin, you can't keep leading him on. I think to myself.

"Here." He says while handing me his sweater

"Wait." I say while putting my hand out to stop him.

He gives me a confused look and retreats his hand and sweater to his side.

"I can't." I explain with the most detail... (Sarcasm)

"Why not?" He questions.

Because I can't fall for you. I can't lead you on. I'm not comfortable wearing your sweater. Answers rush through my head on repeat but none of them compared to what I was really thinking.
I didn't want him to end up like Trevor.

"Because..." Think trinity, think.
"Because that'll... Only slow me down!" I say as I take off out of our room and across the hallway.

"Race ya!" I yell over my shoulder.

Talk about running away from your problems.

I hear the pitter patter of footsteps racing behind me getting closer and closer.

I quickly arrive at the elevator and quickly pressing the button for it to open up. It soon opens up with a ding and I rush into it. I press the button to go down on repeat practically breaking the machine.

Just as the doors are closing I see Carter sprint, literally sprint towards the elevator.

The doors are about to close when Carter slips through landing himself in the elevator.

The elevator starts to move as Carter begins to catch his breath. I stare down at his bent over body. So tired yet so beautiful.

Wait what?

"Man, with all that pushing of buttons I could have sworn you'd broken the elevator." He says regaining his breath and disrupting my thoughts.

"And I thought you'd break the elevator by running into it." I persons with a chuckle.

We both laugh, but our laughter is soon cut off but the sound of brakes.

All of the sudden the elevator takes an abrupt halt which causes Carter and I to topple over.

Me on top on Carter.

"You were saying about the elevator?" I question looking into his paradise eyes.

"I didn't do it." Carter admits with his hand up in defence and with his torso leaning against the elevator.

Author's note
Sorry I haven't posted in a while!! But I'm back at it! I thought maybe I'd post Sundays? If anyone is actually reading the book 😂 but do you know how many times I've spelt elevator in this chapter?? A lot!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2016 ⏰

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