Thirty Six

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((Guys okay school usually kicks the shit out of me, and obviously I'm already struggling to keep up with your messages, AND my laptop broke. I haven't been able to get back to a fuckton of you. Basically, I have a tumblr page called mukingstuff, full of references, so I'll try to answer messages there since it's easier to link and everything!

Also, I hired my super good friend Lu to help me out. They'll be answering a few messages for me if I'm too ://// and hopefully they'll be able to help you guys when I can't! They'll be in my messages, and make sure to say that it's them before they answer! If you want to talk to me specifically, either ask for me or hit up my tumblr!!

Sorry, I'm just not doing well, and I don't think that should impact any of you. Lu will be super helpful, I promise!! :)


Michael's not new to polyamory, exactly, but he's new to this closed polyamory thing where they don't talk about how it's going to work or communicate their feelings.

He'd dated a girl who was dating three other people at the same time, and he'd dated another boy at the same time. It was confusing at first, but he realized communication is key, and that's something his current partners aren't up for, apparently. His limited experience with poly relationships had included a lot of confusion on his end and a whirlwind of sex and Important Conversations with both his partners, before it was over in a month and he was back to being single, but slightly more confused.

Whatever, Michael's just not very good with polyamory, and the other three are even worse. Luke's usually the first to get annoyed if he doesn't get enough attention, and he usually gets pissy and refuses to acknowledge whoever he's angry at until they apologize.

Calum's not as bad, but he still likes attention (Not that Michael will admit it out loud, especially around his egocentric band, but Calum's his favorite, so he's happy to give him as much attention as he needs). If they ignore Calum for long enough, he starts sniping and getting upset, getting their attention by offending them. If Michael goes out with Luke, Calum's the first to tell them both how much they suck.

Ashton's the exact opposite, luckily. He likes some attention, but only if there's something else to take away from it. He doesn't want to be the center, but he likes being acknowledged. If Michael's off giving Luke and Calum the attention they apparently crave, Ashton gets mildly annoyed and scowls until someone invites him to tag along.

Ashton's the easiest, in Michael's opinion, because he's happy to be a follower, and he's happy to be Michael's boyfriend. He does as he pleases and takes care of himself.

Calum is happy being a partner, as long as they use his pronouns and stay away from restrictive gender words, like boyfriend or girlfriend. He's fine with anything, always able to counterbalance whatever's thrown at him with ease.

Luke is a struggle. Not just for Michael, but for all of them, including Luke, himself. He's whiney and needy, no matter how much he tries to hide it, and he likes to be the center of attention. He's quick to flush with jealousy and scowl angrily when the attention is anywhere but him. And, on top of that, he says he's fine with the title of boyfriend, which Michael knows is a complete lie because Luke's made it very clear that he's not a boy. He says partner is a stupid word and shoots then looks whenever they refer to him as such.

It's exhausting trying to date all of them, considering they have zero conversation. Ashton's awkward about the entire situation, Calum just shrugs when Michael mentions an Important Talk, and Luke doesn't think it's vital.

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