Who are you?

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"Star!! Star!" A voice yelled I was trembling darkness surrounded me I sat up a sharp pain in my head I winced looking around

"Is this home?" I wondered

"Star please wake up!" The voice yelled sounded like a boy his voice choked out almost forced he continued to call the persons name over and over again all of a sudden the darkness began to lift my eyes fluttered open a bright light hitting my eyes and making me groan in pain

"Star!" The voice yelled with enthusiasm

"H-huh" I coughed looking at the small boy who stood before me he had brown eyes and brown hair with a red hoodie on and black jeans he looked at me with relief hugging me close I blinked as he pulled away not hugging back

"Star I was so worried I thought we had lost you" he commented looking at who I'm guessing where his parents the man having a white t-shirt on with star written on it and a happy face of a girl with yellow hair underneath the writing and blue jeans and what looked like a cactus hat on his head the woman was wearing a pink version of the mans shirt and blue jeans on both smiling in relief I blinked again looking to the side of me where a table sat a cup of water on it a small machine was attached to my arm and was beeping steadily

"Where are we?" I asked looking at the small boy again

"We're in mewni I'm sorry your parents were really busy they couldn't come to see you just yet but they said they would be here" the boy replied when I didn't respond he hugged me really close and said "don't worry we're here for you" his parents hugging me as well I sat still until they pulled off still looking around this strange environment

"Are you sure you're ok star" the boy asked looking worried again I looked out the window to see a small village with people and monsters running around one monster stood watching us before it was kicked in the face by a woman who looked like she was in her fifties the woman smiled at me before jumping through the window along with a man who looked younger then her

"Star you're ok oh thank goodness" the woman said hugging me

"I'm glad you're alright star" said the man hugging me as well I was still dazed looking around at the many faces before frowning

"Who are you people and who's star" I asked the woman gasped fainting in the man's arms the parents of the boy began to cry the boy looked at me with soft eyes before bending down near my bed he looked at the adults in the room before saying

"I think she has amnesia"

Amnesia (Discontinued) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя