Becoming Great Friends

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Jaden Yuki

After the day you met Jaden, you two began hanging out more. Turns out, you guys have alot in common. Even bumbing into The King Of Games before coming to the auditions for Duel Academy. Yugi gave Jaden Winged Kuribo, while you got Gazelle, The King Of Mythical Beasts. You two often duel together in order to grow stronger and hopefully surpass the original King Of Games.

Cyrus Truesdale

You and Cy usually spend the night out on the balcony, stargazing. In that time, you two learned a lot about each other. One, was that you both have older siblings, two, you were poth shy when it came to talking and interacting with the same and opposite gender. Another thing was that both your siblings somewhat didn't care about your success in life. You two easily bonded, even though the types of your decks didn't go so well.

Chazz Princeton

You two bonded after having a duel. You both learned a lot about your decks and wanted to train to make them stronger. You also bonded outside of duels. You both loved high places and nature, and often spend your free time in the meadows on the island. On very rare occasions, Chazz would even let you examine his deck, and you'd do the same.

Zane Truesdale

You and Zane bonded over the love of peace and quiet. Both if you would often sit in the meadows after classes had ended and enjoy the scenery and peacefulness. At times, you and Zane would exchange decks to look them over in order to find flaws in them. But of course, that was rare for the both of you. And you'd both play Shoji, a cloud watching game, and on rare occasions, you'd both fall asleep under the shade of a tree together, sleeping in content.


You and Jesse, over the years being at North Academy and Duel Academy alike, have bonded over the love for Nordic monster cards. During your off time, from classes, you'd both sit down in a meadow and examine each others cards, trying to find flaws in them, but also trying to find good battle strategy to use against each other. On rare occasions, his Nordic duel monster spirits would appear and you'd both have a lot of fun with them, telling stories and just goofing around.

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