He Realizes His Feelings For YOU

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Jaden Yuki (His P.O.V)

I was sitting in my dorm room along with Cy and Chumly on the second bunk. Me and Cy were having a hand duel, but for some reason I couldn't concentrate. Whenever I'm about to make a move or even when its not my turn, my mind drifts off to (Y/N). Her beautiful (H/L) (H/C) hair and those gorgeous (E/C) orbs. "Uh, Jay?" Cyrus called out, and snapped back to reality.

"Huh? Oh, sorry bout that, Cy." I apologized, trying to play it off cool. But knowing Cyrus, he sees right through me. "Jay, are you alright? You seem off. Actually, you've been off for the last couple of days. Are you sick or somethin?" He asked. 'God, now I have to tell 'em. Please don't laugh at me...' I thought, praying God that that Chumly up there doesn't here a thing. But, since he's asleep he's like a sound proof wall.

I sigh, setting down my cards. "I don't know why, but (Y/N) has been on my mind lately. Whenever I'm around her I just want to hug her or hold her hands. Whenever I'm not around her I feel like I'm suffocating myself and I need to be with her. Whenever she talks to me I begin to stutter, and whenever she touches me I can't think straight." I explained to my friend, leaning my head on my hands. "Why do I feel this way all of a sudden?" I asked, more to myself.

Cy, however, had a stunned look on him. "Dude, your so oblivious!" He said, beginning to laugh. 'Oh, great, I jinxed it!' I thought. "What do you mean, I'm oblivious to what?" I asked a bit loud. "Dude, your in love!" Cyrus said, my eyes went wide.

"SAY WHAT!!!" I exclaimed, which was my mistake. I accidentally toppled off the bed, onto the floor with a thud. I sat up, groaning and rubbing my head. "Oh, great, now I've got a concussion, Cy.." I groaned. Cyrus chuckled.

"Sorry, but its true. Your in love with (Y/N)." He said again, and now I realized it. All these symptoms I've been having. The need to be around her. Is it true? Am I really that deep in love?

Cyrus Truesdale (His P.O.V)

Me and (Y/N) are hanging out on the balcony again tonight. Stargazing with her is always fun. But lately, I've been feeling strange when I'm around her. I stutter more than usual and I can't concentrate. I don't know what it is, but luckily, I'm going to talk with Alexis about it.

"So, Cy, what seems to be the problem?" Alexis asked. "Well, y-ya see...its about (Y/N). I've been feeling kinda weird around her lately." I began, fiddling with my fingers. "I see. Well, tell me about it." Alexis pushes on. I sigh, then continue. "Well, lately, I've been feeling a bit off."

"Whenever I'm around (Y/N) I get the sudden urge to hug her and hold her hands. And whenever I'm not around her I feel like I'm suffocating and I need to be with her. I don't know why, but whener I talk to her, I stutter more than usual, and whenever we touches me, I blush insanely red." I explained. Alexis, on the other hand, was holding back wat sounded like giggles.

"What? What's so funny, Lex?" I asked, confused. "I'd never thought I'd see the day when Cyrus Truesdale was as clueless as Jaden." She said in between short laughs. I raised an eyebrow, not understanding. "Cy, your in love with (Y/N)." Alexis said.

My eyes widened. "I...I'm in love?" I asked, making sure she said it right. She nodded. I was now completely and utterly shocked. How could I be in love with (Y/N). We're just friends. But then again, that might explain the way I've been feeling lately. Could I be in love with (N/N)~Chan?

Chazz Princeton (His P.O.V)

I was currently laying in the meadows after class had ended. (Y/N) said the had to catch up in some school work, so she couldn't come today. I said it was alright, but now I'm starting to regret saying that. Why do I feel this way when I'm not around her? Why can't I get her out of my mind?

"Oooooooooooooo! The boss is in looooooove!" One of my spirit duel monsters said. "Shut up, purple witch." I retorted, trying to get what he said out of my head. "Aww, come on, boss! You know you love her! Admit it! Admit it!" He exclaimed, jumping up and down like a maniac. "Listen, I don't love (Y/N). We're just friends. And even if I did, there's no way she'd love me back." I said. And in all honesty, it hurt when I thought of that too.

"Oh, yeah? So you haven't been feeling like you wanna be around her all he time? And you don't feel like you want to touch her and hug her? Hmm?" He asked in his annoying voice. I stayed, quiet, grunting in annoyance. "Hah! I was right! I was wasn't I!?" He exclaimed again. "Alright, yes, I love her, got it? Ya happy now!" I exclaimed, sighing after wards. "Yep, well, see ya later!" He said, right before disappearing.

" God he's annoying..." I grunted, looking up at the sky. It all I could picture in my mind was (Y/N). 'But he's right too...' I thought, closing my eyes.

Zane Truesdale (His P.O.V)

I was sitting down under the tree (Y/N) and I sit under all the time. She said she was helping Lexi with something, so she couldn't come today. I said it was alright, but deep down inside I really wanted her to stay. I don't know why, but I have this strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. All I could do is picture (Y/N) in my mind, her beautiful (H/L) (H/C) locks and (E/C) orbs making me smile.

Why have I been feeling like this whenever I'm without her? I feel like I'm missing something. Like I'm so lost, for some reason. I sigh, looking up to the sky, trying and failing to get my mind off of her. Nothing seems to work. 'God, why can't I get her out of my head?' Then, my eyes widened. "Could I possibly be in love with (Y/N)?" I ask myself. Deep down inside, I know I am...

Jesse Anderson (His P.O.V)

I was in my room, going over my new Nordic monster cards (Y/N) gave me. God she was so nice to everyone, no wonder why she has so many friends. She has so many guy friends, which sorta makes me mad. I mean, sure, Jaden, Zane, Chazz, and and Cy are alright, but the other guys are a little to close for comfort for me. Wait, why am I thinking about her like that!?

"Aww, sweet! A rare Nordic!" I exclaimed throughout my dorm room, fist pumping the air. As soon as I was done being excited and all, (Y/N) came back into my mind. Her (H/L) (H/C) hair and those gorgeous (E/C) eyes. 'Man, stop thinking about her like that!' I thought. I can't help it, though.

Whenever I'm with her, I feel like I just want to touch her, hold her. And whenever I'm not with her, I can't think straight, and I feel like I wanna be around her so much. "Uh, Jess? You there? Earth to Jesse Anderson?" A voice brought me back too reality. "Huh?" I looked over to see Jaden, looking puzzled. He then broke out into laughter.

"You were thinking about (Y/N) again weren't you!?" Jaden exclaimed, breaking out into laughter again. "Yea, and wat if I was?" I growled at him. "Dude, your so oblivious! Your in love with her!" He said, chuckling afterwards. Then, my eyes sghot open. These feelings...maybe I am in love with her...no, I am in love with her...

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