When He Sees You Crying

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Jaden Yuki

   You and Jaden have been dating for about a month now, and for the past few days, he's noticed you've been a bit off lately. You've began to become a bit secretive about things and you won't let him in your dorm room. He found this strange because you'd always tell him what was up and that you'd let him in your dorm room no matter what time it was, day or night. He also noticed that instead of going to the meadows after school, you'd go straight to your room. And also he noticed you lost your cheery smile he so greatly adored.

   It's been a week of this and Jaden was getting more worried by the minute. He decided it was Time to confront you. And now, he was walking down to your dorm room. Once he got there, he heard whimpering from the other side. Jaden panicked, thinking why would you be crying.

   Jaden the began to feel anger. If someone had made you cry he would be sure to make sure that they got what they deserve. But, seeing the fact at hand, he calmed down, and knocked on the door. "Hey, (Y/N), are you in here.." He sad oiver to he toher side. No answer.

   Just whimpers.

   Jaden opened the door and peeked in. He saw you, on your bed, crying and whimpering. There was a sharp pain in his chest seeing you like that. "(Y/N)...?" He whispered again, closing the door behind him. You turned around, tears still streaming down you face.

   There was another sharp pain in his chest. In one swift movement, your face was buried in his chest, and Jaden gently stroking your (H/C) locks. "J..Jaden?". "Shhh...its okay....just relax..." Jaden whispered, rocking you back and forth. With the soothing actions, you calmed down sooner than expected.

   After that, you told him everything that had happened. "So...your dad died..." Jaden breathed from shock. You always told him about how awesome your dad was and how selfless and courage he was. You nodded, sighing. "I just found out a week ago...and it hit me hard...so, I just stayed in my dorm room so no one would see me break down...especially you...." She spoke her voice cracking.

   "Why not me?" He asked. "Because I knew you'd go berzerk if you thought someone made me cry.." You said with a light chuckle. Jaden smiled ad hugged his girlfriend again. "Jest tell me when somethings on your mind, okay? I can help you with it. You don't have to botre it up or hide it from me. Or your friends. We're all here for you..." Jaden whispered to her, kissing the top of her head. You nodded, smiling a bit.

   "Alright, I won't...." You whispers back, and soon enough, fell asleep in his strong, protective arms.

Cyrus Truesdale

   Cy had noticed you coming o the library more often then usual. Even though both of you were the school brains even you two never visited the library as much as you did now. Cy began to worry. Whenever you'd come to the library and not out stargazing with him he knew something was up. That's what was happening tonight, and Cyrus was determined to find out wat was wrong.

   Once he came up to the library doors, he pushed them open silently. The librarian gave you two keys to the library if you ever wanted to read or catch up on school work when she was gone. Cyrus then began to close the door and walk into the library. And as he got farther and farther into the library, he heard crying. He immideatly recognized it as your cries.

   Cyrus had a mini panic. Who made you cry? Why were you crying? He had so many questions swirling around in his thought it felt like his head was gonna explode.  And then, he stopped.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2015 ⏰

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